Spring Dough Bowl Flower Arrangement

I grabbed a col­lec­tion of Springy flo­rals from the local dol­lar store recent­ly and I knew i want­ed to cre­ate a Spring dough bowl flower arrange­ment with them. I loved the com­bi­na­tion of col­ors when I brought them togeth­er and thought it would be a fun project to try my flo­ral arrang­ing skills with.

It would be fair­ly sim­ple to achieve a sim­i­lar look. If you don’t have a dough bowl, we offer them at R+R Home. They come with a beau­ti­ful­ly scent­ed can­dle inside that can either be repoured or repur­posed like I did with this arrangement.

I start­ed by clean­ing the left­over wax from the bot­tom of the dough bowl by heat­ing it up and wip­ing it out with a paper tow­el. you could also freeze the bowl and pop out the extra wax. Either way you choose is fine!

After the base is clean you are ready to begin your spring arrange­ment. I glued a chunk of flo­ral foam to the bot­tom of the bowl and cov­ered it with span­ish moss, also from the dol­lar store. Once the foam was cov­ered I dis­as­sem­bled the dol­lar tree flo­rals with a pair of wire cut­ters and began build­ing the arrange­ment from the out­side inward. You can see a sim­i­lar arrange­ment I did with faux wild­flow­ers back in the sum­mer, here.

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