R+R Home Spring Open House 2022

This first quar­ter of the year has been a whirl­wind! I am not even sure how we are already cel­e­brat­ing our first Spring Open House! This is our first open house event since Christ­mas and we were ready to cel­e­brate the best way we knew how! From an infused sweet tea bar to free pot­pour­ri, we kicked off the Spring sea­son with an amaz­ing group of mak­ers and friends that came out to show our small lit­tle shop a whole lot­ta of love!

Although the day start­ed with a few clouds, it def­i­nite­ly did not hin­der the Spring vibes we had inside! From the moment we opened our doors cus­tomers and friends poured in to show their love and sup­port. After such dark times in our small town of May­field, KY it tru­ly felt nor­mal for a bit. That’s exact­ly how we want it. 

I think Roost + Restore, even just in the name, has a big­ger call­ing that just a home decor bou­tique. It has become a min­istry to women who need to be remind­ed of just how spe­cial God made them as women, wives, moth­ers, sisters…all the hats we wear. Women pour love into their homes (their roost) each and every day. We, as home decor bou­tique, can exist as a reminder to the promise of the restora­tion of joy even when you feel like your cup is emp­ty! And that’s what I seen at this Spring Open House event. I saw cups being filled and hearts being filled with joy, right in the mid­dle of town flat­tened by dis­as­ter. And that my friend, is God’s love! 

Pho­to cred­its to a RRHOME cus­tomer and friend, Katie Harrington

One of the things we knew we want­ed to offer our cus­tomers and friends was an immer­sive expe­ri­ence from the time they walked through our doors. One of those things being a sweet tea bar! We pro­vid­ed an assort­ment of sweet and unsweet brews along with a straw­ber­ry, lemon blend to chose from.

After pick­ing fla­vors, you were encour­aged to infuse your tea with fresh fruits and a touch of mint to bring the fla­vors togeth­er for a Spring refresh.

And to make it even more spe­cial a cute rice paper flower to boot!

Guest we’re invit­ed to also enjoy snack­ing on our fun char­cu­terie cups filled to the brim with fresh salamis, fruits, nuts, cheeses and olives! And if that isn’t enough to get you excit­ed, check out all the fun things we had around each cor­ner below.

Here is our list of amaz­ing mak­ers that we invit­ed to pop up in store with us at Roost and Restore Home! We’d love for you to sup­port their pages and social media accounts list­ed below. Be on the look­out for some of their prod­ucts in store soon!

The fresh bou­quets were the first thing you encoun­tered when you entered our doors and what a beau­ti­ful greet­ing they tru­ly were! Ash­ley, the own­er is the sweet­est soul I have known much of my life and when she start­ed this side ven­ture a cou­ple years ago I knew she would pros­per. Her per­son­al­i­ty is bright and she is a war­rior for Christ!

Just look at those eyes! Would you believe me if I told you that these are draw­ings!!! Yes, draw­ings by and incred­i­bly tal­ent­ed young lady named Beth. Beth and I con­nect­ed through her old­er sis­ter, Emi­ly, who just so hap­pens to be my youngest sons preschool teacher! Emi­ly has shared some of her per­son­al pieces of art made by Beth and I knew I want­ed to fea­ture her in the shoppe! 

Beth works most­ly with col­ored pen­cils and pas­tels and humbly states that she only start­ed tak­ing art class­es a cou­ple months ago. Her tal­ent is impec­ca­ble! You can con­tact Beth for your own per­son­al­ized draw­ing through her Face­book page linked above! 

Katie and Kane are the own­ers of KM Cre­ations! Katie and I met through sim­i­lar past cir­cum­stances that imme­di­ate­ly drew us togeth­er. Her and her new hub­by, Kane are wild­ly tal­ent­ed and excit­ed about their new ven­ture in cus­toms! From door hang­ers and name cutouts to beau­ti­ful fur­ni­ture pieces and plexi glass signs, they have you cov­ered! I love their start up sto­ry, and how they have start­ed mak­ing and sell­ing based off a demand of their hand­made wed­ding decor! I am so excit­ed about future part­ner­ships with this new business!

Do you ever just meet those peo­ple that imme­di­ate­ly just feel like your peo­ple? That is exact­ly how it felt when Car­ly and I met. We start­ed talk­ing and became fast friends. We were con­nect­ed to a mutu­al friends who knew I was look­ing to add hand­made jew­el­ry to the shoppe. After scop­ing out her work, I knew I had to have it for my peeps! Her atten­tion to detail and use of REAL pressed flow­ers make this jew­el­ry stand out from the rest! fI am so excit­ed to be adding a Mossy Hand­made col­lec­tion to the store in the very near future!

Emma, with South­ern Charm Cakes was our sweet treat ven­dor for the day! She is known around town for her good­ies and almost always sells out! She pleased the crowds with her cheese­cake bites, gourmet cup­cakes and my per­son­al faves, dou­ble doozies! You can find Emma on Face­book or set up at oth­er local shop events!

And of course I can’t go with­out men­tion­ing our R+R Home­Made pot­pour­ri! We make our blends in house using fine fra­grance oils. This Spring sea­son­al blend we call “Flower Mar­ket” for its bright flo­ral aro­mas blend­ed with beau­ti­ful dried botan­i­cals and wood­en florals! 

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