Dollar Tree Lantern DIY

I love shar­ing thrifty ways to make your own decor. I espe­cial­ly love shar­ing these projects Live on face­book, which is where this Dol­lar Tree Lantern DIY came from! It came togeth­er bet­ter than ever expect­ed and looks high end with a cute can­dle ring and euca­lyp­tus can­dle. I have list­ed out the steps for you to cre­ate your own, down below.

Supplies for Dollar Tree Lantern DIY

  • (4) 3.5x5” frames
  • Hot Glue
  • Jum­bo Pop­si­cle sticks
  • Stain
  • Can­dle
  • Can­dle Ring

Begin by remov­ing the back­ing and any hard­ware. These lit­tle frames have cute lit­tle met­al label hold­ers that I want­ed to keep for the final look. You also may want to con­sid­er keep­ing the lit­tle stands for future DIY projects.

After a quick coat of stain, I secured the glass to the inside edge using hot glue and reat­tached the met­al label slots.

Then I glue the frames togeth­er, form­ing a small box. I flipped the box over and made a base by stain­ing and trim­ming down a few jum­bo pop­si­cle sticks. 


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You can see the base peep­ing through the euca­lyp­tus can­dle ring I used for styling. The pop­si­cle sticks were an after­thought but I am so hap­py with the outcome.

ANNNNND…here she is! So so pret­ty, even if I say so myself! I love it when an idea comes togeth­er to look even bet­ter than orig­i­nal­ly planned. 

This Dol­lar Tree Lantern blends right in with our new decor from Roost + Restore Home. YOu would­n’t even know it was a DIY if you weren’t look­ing for it!

I just love the detail of the label slots. It would be cute to put lit­tle inspi­ra­tional quotes, bible vers­es, for­tunes or even your fam­i­ly names in them! 

I love the ambiance this lit­tle lantern gives when it has a can­dle glow­ing from the inside. Mul­ti­ples of this lantern would make the per­fect lit­tle cen­ter­pieces for ladies meet­ings, baby show­ers or even a wed­ding! They are so ele­gant and most of all.…THRIFTY!

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Susan says:

This turned out so cute! I’m def­i­nite­ly going to make one of my own!!

Girl I am so stink­ing hap­py with it! It’s always a good feel­ing when a DIY turns out bet­ter than expected 

Ruby owens says:

So cute !!! Where did you get the frames ?

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