DIY Jumbo Tulip Porch Decor

A few weeks ago I grabbed up these cute met­al tulip shapes from my local Dol­lar Store and knew I need­ed to make some­thing cute…what exact­ly? Well, a crafter nev­er real­ly knows but my heart end­ed up lead­ing me to cre­ate the most adorable jum­bo tulip porch decor!


  • Met­al tulip cutouts from Dol­lar Tree
  • Scrap­book paper of choice
  • wood­en rulers
  • planter box
  • flo­ral foam
  • span­ish moss and(or) trail­ing plant


I pre­pared the tulip cut outs by remov­ing the strings that came attached and traced the out­line on 3 dif­fer­ent fun col­ors of scrap­book paper.


After that I attached the paper cutouts to the tulips using mod podge and added a few details with white paint for a lit­tle dimension. 


Then, I added a few coats of mat­te clear var­nish pro­tect the paper from the ele­ments. I would­n’t nec­es­sar­i­ly rec­om­mend plac­ing these tulips in the direct ele­ments but I think styled on a cov­ered porch would be just fine.


Once the var­nish was dry I attached wood­en rulers as stems and styled them in the cutest lit­tle weaved box­es from Roost and Restore Home. All it took to secure them in the box was a few chunks of flo­ral foam cov­ered with span­ish moss and a faux trail­ing plant!

A great alter­na­tive to the scrap book paper would be to sim­ply paint them and add your own fun designs or tex­tures the jum­bo tulips. I would def­i­nite­ly make sure to seal them, either way you decide to make your own.

I love how the few extra paint strokes added to the per­son­al­i­ty of these cute flow­ers. And can we just talk about how dang ver­sa­tile this trail­ing green­ery is? I adore how it looks styled with pret­ty much any­thing. Ithas become a sta­ple piece of green­ery in our home decor shoppe and I can cer­tain­ly see why. 

See this same green­ery styled here in this rusty bird cage decor idea.

I love this lit­tle project because for one it is super cute and easy but also, it adds the per­fect lit­tle pop of col­or to your porch or sun­room! I hope this project has inspired you for your own porch decor project! Be sure to check out our online home decor bou­tique linked below. 

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