Dollar Tree Spring Decor DIY

I am in LOVE with these cute lit­tle gal­va­nized buck­ets they have at the Dol­lar Tree each Spring. They start putting these on the shelves in Jan­u­ary and I snag one when I see it because they go FAST! I think they make the per­fect Dol­lar Tree Spring decor!

This Spring Dol­lar Tree DIY began as a Valen­tine project, real­ly. I had all of my wood let­ters and paints laid out ready to craft, and like most good crafts do, it evolved into some­thing total­ly different! 



how to make dollar tree spring decor

I began by paint­ing the let­ters and the gal­va­nized buck­et from Dol­lar Tree. I light­ly sand­ed the sur­face of the met­al to give it a bit of grit and then paint­ed it with white Waver­ly Chalk paint. 

After the paint was dry, which did­n’t take long. Chalk paint dry suu­u­per fast. I dipped a cloth in water and then dipped the same cloth in an antiquing wax, ‚also by Waver­ly. Which you can find at Wal­mart in the craft­ing sec­tion. I rubbed the watered down wax all over the sur­face of the buck­et to give it a lit­tle bit of pati­na and age.

Grab the flo­ral foam and secure to the bot­tom of our buck­et with hot glue before cov­er­ing it with the Dol­lar Tree flo­ral moss. This is the base for our “flow­ers” we will be work­ing on next.

Then, I grabbed a few sticks from the yard. I obvi­ous­ly over esti­mat­ed how many I would need. At the time I did not have plans to use these sticks for this par­tic­u­lar project but as it evolved I thought it would be fun to use them

I hot glued them to the back of my dry, paint­ed let­ters. I used Bal­le­ri­na Pink by Waverly.

Now that the sticks are attached you have these cute lit­tle “flow­ers” to add to your cute lit­tle aged buck­et! This step made me wayy more excit­ed that I want to admit. It’s that feel­ing you get when a project comes together…you know what I mean?

For a few fin­ish­ing touch­es I wrapped the top of the buck­et with some lace rib­bon, also found at the Dol­lar Tree. They tend to keep this par­tic­u­lar rib­bon in stock at my local store, and I am bet­ting you can find some at yours too. I fin­ished it off with the tiny lit­tle dec­o­ra­tive keys for a roman­tic touch.

how to make Spring decor with Dollar Tree supplies
Spring decor DIY using Dollar Tree supplies
Pretty neutral Dollar Tree Spring decor DIY
dollar tree Spring decor DIY

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1 comment

I real­ly like the ver­sa­til­i­ty of this…used it for Valen­tine’s Day, then put some bun­nies in it for East­er. Will add some stars for Memo­r­i­al Day.

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