DIY Rustic Winter Wood Projects

Wood block and scrap wood projects are my absolute favorite. I think most­ly because of the rus­tic qual­i­ties they have and how ver­sa­tile they can real­ly be. These rus­tic win­ter wood projects are no excep­tion to my love/

This is why I cre­at­ed the Wood­shop. To help oth­er women, just like me, gain con­fi­dence in mak­ing wood projects for themselves.

We all are guilty of see­ing a cute project and shar­ing it to our feed or sav­ing it to our Pin­ter­est boards but what if I told you that YOU can bring these ideas to life! YOU can get your hands dirty, and YOU can be the MAKER instead of the pinner. 

-Kaycee on the wood­shop membership

Mem­bers of The Wood­shop have the option to receive a curat­ed box of ready to make wood projects each month. I want­ed to give you a lit­tle glimpse of the wood projects that were includ­ed in the win­ter themed box.

Each sub­scribers gets a beau­ti­ful box packed with 3 indi­vid­u­al­ly wrapped wood expe­ri­ences. The projects are always designed around pop­u­lar Pin­ter­est projects and rel­e­vant themes for the month along with sim­ple instruc­tions, inspi­ra­tion and a 5x7 print­able that coor­di­nates with the box theme. 

What were the rustic winter wood projects?

Each mem­ber received these expe­ri­ences in their Wood Project Box.

Frosty the Snowman Project

My favorite part of this DIY is in the bead board details. A sweet lit­tle round­ed chin, a cute lit­tle car­rot nose and a per­fect­ly pro­por­tioned top hat made Frosty come to life! I per­son­al­ly used mat­te Waver­ly chalk paints for mut­ed and rus­tic look. Check out my rus­tic win­ter wood project along with a few oth­ers from The Wood­shop.

rustic snowman head DIY wood project
beautiful rustic snowman project

2x4 Wood Block Snowman Project Kit

The sim­plic­i­ty of this rus­tic win­ter wood project is what makes it so enjoy­able! Lit­er­al­ly, this project is per­fect for all ages and stages of expe­ri­ence. The ben­e­fit of hav­ing this kit deliv­ered to you via sub­scrip­tion is it’s ready to make! ALl of your wood pieces are mea­sured and cut to size. We like to help women who enjoy mak­ing their own home decor while help­ing to pro­vide them with the raw mate­ri­als they need. 

Wood is the only thing we pro­vide to our crafters because we want YOU to decid­ed what you put in your home! Sim­ply assem­ble and paint or stain to suit your own per­son­al style.

easy wood block snowman project

Reclaimed Barn Wood Snowflake

What makes this par­tic­u­lar rus­tic win­ter project unique is the beau­ti­ful pieces of chip­py, red barn wood. Again, we like to get wood into your hands so you can make things for your­self! It’s not every day that you can get your hands on a piece of authen­ti­cal­ly aged wood like this. 

Each sub­scriber received their own unique piece along with a laser cut snowflake to embell­ish­ment and dec­o­rate for themselves.

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