You searched for diy decor box

How to build a Vintage Wooden Toolbox

One of my very favorite things to do is to build and craft my own decor for my home. I recent­ly was able to extend this love to mem­bers of my pri­vate Wood­shop Mem­bers where we built a dec­o­ra­tive, vin­tage wood­en toolbox.  This mem­ber­ship is designed specif­i­cal­ly for cre­atives who want to make qual­i­ty wood…

Easy Old Canvas Decor Makeover

Do you have an old piece of decor that has seen a bet­ter day, or maybe, if you’re like me, it just does­n’t match your cur­rent style. I have held on to this can­vas for year­rrrs. Lit­er­al­ly. Because I knew one day I want­ed to give it a makeover.  This easy old can­vas makeover will…

DIY Spring Thrift Store Picture Frame

I am always scout­ing out old frames at the thrift store. There was­n’t any­thing spe­cial about this thrift store pic­ture frame until I gave it a sim­ple lit­tle makeover for Spring. I love vin­tage Spring decor and this lit­tle DIY was the per­fect addi­tion to the oth­er pieces in my home. With a few basic sup­plies…

DIY Rustic Winter Wood Projects

Wood block and scrap wood projects are my absolute favorite. I think most­ly because of the rus­tic qual­i­ties they have and how ver­sa­tile they can real­ly be. These rus­tic win­ter wood projects are no excep­tion to my love/ This is why I cre­at­ed the Wood­shop. To help oth­er women, just like me, gain con­fi­dence in mak­ing…

The Perfect DIYer Gift Guide

This year put the gift of DIY under­neath the tree. With more time spent at home there has been a great upward trend of at home DIY projects and I have just the thing for it! I cre­at­ed this DIY­er Gift Guide to help you shop for that per­fect gift for the handy­man, crafter or…

Last Minute DIY Halloween Costume

This DIY wolf cos­tume was a prod­uct of my pro­cras­ti­na­tion. This year’s theme was lit­tle Red Rid­ing Hood and I could not find a decent lit­tle boys wolf cos­tume any­where. I had a mask giv­en to me for free but it was too big and a lit­tle too scary for my 6 year old, how­ev­er,…

Easy Scrap Wood Halloween Decor

This easy scrap wood Hal­loween decor is so sim­ple and so fun! Every once in a while I like to throw in a cute project that you can get the kids involved in and this is def­i­nite­ly one of them.  Scrap wood is cheap and so ver­sa­tile when it comes to craft­ing. But I also under­stand…

Thrifty Spring Decor for Your Mantle

Recent­ly, I made a trip to one of my favorite thrift shoppes in town on a mis­sion to gath­er a few bud­get-friend­ly items for my Spring man­tle. I did­n’t want to go all out Easter‑y with bright eggs and bun­nies but did want a taste­ful yet fresh look to my space. After brows­ing the store…

Incorporating Vintage Elements into Your Spring Decor

I am a suck­er for all things vin­tage. It is my jam. I see rust or chip­py paint and my heart real­ly does flut­ter and to answer your ques­tion, no I don’t think it’s going any­where in the decor world. In my Pin­ter­est search­ing, I found myself lin­ger­ing toward inspi­ra­tion that includ­ed nat­ur­al grass­es, flow­ers,…

10 Decor Ideas Using Vintage Books

If you know me, you know I have a love for things with a touch of vin­tage. One of my favorite things to look for at thrift stores are old books. They are per­fect if you are look­ing to inco­po­rate a bit of the old with the new. I have gath­ered 10 beau­ti­ful­ly inspired decor…