How to build a Vintage Wooden Toolbox

One of my very favorite things to do is to build and craft my own decor for my home. I recent­ly was able to extend this love to mem­bers of my pri­vate Wood­shop Mem­bers where we built a dec­o­ra­tive, vin­tage wood­en toolbox. 

This mem­ber­ship is designed specif­i­cal­ly for cre­atives who want to make qual­i­ty wood projects for their home with­out the has­sle of going to the lum­ber store, drag­ging out heavy equip­ment and spend­ing big mon­ey just to make some­thing for them­selves. We have tak­en ALL of the wor­ries out of mak­ing your own beau­ti­ful wood projects!

So now that you know what The Wood­shop is all about, let me explain the good­ness that came in this months box for members…that’s where this DIY comes in. Each mem­ber received a box of all of the pre­cut wood pieces need­ed to build their own vin­tage wood­en tool­box. (I will update this post to pro­vide a cut list for this project in the near future so check back)

How to assemble your vintage wooden toolbox


The design of this tool­box is pure­ly dec­o­ra­tive. Keep that in mind with this build. It is not cre­at­ed to hold any­thing more than some flo­rals or small jars for flow­ers. With that being said, I am using a strong hot wood glue for each seam in this project.

Begin with the bot­tom piece and line the short edge with a bead of glue and press your side piece firm­ly into the glue.

Thin bead of glue on the bot­tom edge.
Press your end piece into the wood glue.

Step 2

Apply a thin bead of wood glue to one long edge and one short edge of one of the side pieces shown here and press and hold flush to the base and side pieces.

Repeat this step for the sec­ond side piece.

Step 3

Turn your box on its side and ham­mer your dow­el rod into the predrilled hole. Please note, if you received a square rod in your kit, sim­ply use the hot glue to attach the han­dle in the same area shown here.

Step 4

Apply wood glue to all exposed edges (includ­ing the end of your square dow­el, if applic­a­ble) and press your sec­ond end piece onto the glue. 

Step 5

Use a ham­mer to insert your brad nails to the ends of your tool­box. These nails will help to rein­force the ends of your box for dura­bil­i­ty. I sug­gest being patient dur­ing this process as to not split out the thin side pieces.

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