Rustic Bunny Decor Project You Can Make

Have I men­tioned that I love wood projects? Well if you’re new here and don’t already know, wood crafts are my fave! I recent­ly made this adorable rus­tic bun­ny decor with a few pieces of wood sal­vaged from a barn near­by and a lit­tle bun­ny cut out.

These are the pieces I start­ed this project with. Luck­i­ly, my wood guy saw my vision for this piece and kept as many raw edges of wood as pos­si­ble for this rus­tic bun­ny decor…I.AM.IN.LOVE.

Now I real­ize not every has pieces of barn wood just lay­ing around so I cre­at­ed a Wood­shop Project Box specif­i­cal­ly for those who want to get their hands on pre­cut wood decor projects. 

wood pieces for bunny DIY

I attached the 3 pieces of barn wood with 2 small­er backer boards to hold them togeth­er. I spaced them about 1/2 inch apart from one anoth­er as shown. Mea­sur­ing isn’t nec­es­sary but cer­tain­ly ok here. You could use the width of one of the backer boards to space out the barn wood piecee. Or, if the spac­ing isn’t your style, try them with­out spac­ing at all! That is what I love about these Wood­shop Project Box­es, is it allows plen­ty of room for customization!

barn wood slat project

I paint­ed the bun­ny in a plas­ter chalk paint by Waver­ly. The white is so clas­sic and looks amaz­ing next to the barn col­or of the wood pieces.…don’t wor­ry, the oth­er half of those barn slats you just saw were sal­vaged for anoth­er DIY down the road!

calk painted rustic bunny project cutout
rustic bunny project hot clue to barn wood

Once every­thing was secured. I gave our lit­tle rus­tic bun­ny project a sweet lit­tle raf­fia bow tie! Sim­ple sim­ple! I am learn­ing that Spring just might be my favorite sea­son. I have said fall all along but there is some­thing about Spring that comes with promise. Promise of fresh begin­nings and a clean slate that I absolute­ly LOVE. 

I hope you have enjoyed this sweet project as much as I have!

Ps…if you like this bun­ny decor project, then you will LOVE this rus­tic wood­en car­rot video tuto­rial!

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1 comment

Jamie Thrasher says:

Love it! So cute!

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