• Decor - Decor + Styling

    DIY Vent Hood Cover from Scrap Wood

    This idea blos­somed when we decid­ed to update our dark and drea­ry kitchen to an authen­tic farm­house kitchen, which you can rad about HERE. I had always want­ed a vent hood cov­er and since this is our for­ev­er home, I decid­ed it was time to take the plunge.…except for one small prob­lem. We had an over­head microwave mount­ed above the stove. There was no vent pipe redi­rect­ing the air, only the microwave and a small set of vents on the top.  I refused to let my dream of hav­ing a beau­ti­ful vent hood cov­er fade. My hus­band and I chewed over…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    A Fresh Farmhouse Tablescape

    Tablescapes are becom­ing one of my very favorite things to cre­ate in my home. I real­ly like for them to non-tra­di­tion­al in a way. Like most of my decor, I enjoy shop­ping my own home for items that I can bring togeth­er for a cohe­sive look or theme with­out going out and buy­ing a bunch of new decor. I mean, if it’s alreayd in your home it is like­ly gonna already fit into your over­all theme. In addi­tion to not want­i­ng to spend a ton, I want­ed to cre­ate a tablescape that would wear well for an every day fresh…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    10 Decor Ideas Using Vintage Books

    If you know me, you know I have a love for things with a touch of vin­tage. One of my favorite things to look for at thrift stores are old books. They are per­fect if you are look­ing to inco­po­rate a bit of the old with the new. I have gath­ered 10 beau­ti­ful­ly inspired decor ideas using old books.  Be inspired. A cute lit­tle stack wrapped in jute may be all you need to com­plete a cute lit­tle vignette. I love the com­bi­na­tion of the tex­tures here. The wood cheese box, the flow­ers and the books com­pli­ment each oth­er well. Did some­one…

  • Decor

    Vintage Valentine’s Day Mantle Decor

    Ok y’all. So I have jumped on the band­wag­on and decid­ed to add just a touch of love to my decor for Valen­tine’s Day. I have not giv­en it much thought in years past but I am real­ly enjoy­ing the chal­lenge of incor­po­rat­ing the “feel” of Valen­tine’s with­out so much of the reds ros­es and pink plas­tic hearts.  I cre­at­ed this look by gath­er­ing a few signs I had in oth­er rooms of my home and brought them togeth­er to cap­ture a cen­tral theme. The largest one came right off my mas­ter bed­room wall. No kid­ding! When I dec­o­rate it…

  • DIY Projects - Kitchen

    Rustic Farmhouse Kitchen Makeover

    If you would have told me a year ago that I would be shar­ing images of my new­ly updat­ed dream kitchen I would have lol’d…BIG TIME! We were no where near buy­ing our for­ev­er home, in fact, we were rent­ing and bank­ing on buy­ing that place! But God…GOD had dif­fer­ent plans for our fam­i­ly. I din’t know exact­ly what they were at that point but I just had this feel­ing that we need­ed to wait.  The iron­ic part is I am a very VERY impa­tient per­son. When I get some­thing in my head, I want to jump to it right them…

  • DIY Projects - Scrap Wood Projects

    How to build and easy DIY Wood Lantern

    I love mak­ing my own beau­ti­ful decor. This lantern is one of those projects that is so sim­ple and looks like it came right from the store. I assem­bled using the PRECUT PROJECT KIT from R+R Sup­ply that can be pur­chased HERE but it could be eas­i­ly assem­bled using some sim­ple wood cuts. I have includ­ed a list below. SUPPLIES (1) 6x6 in wood blocks (2) 8x8in wood blocks (4) 12x2 in wood blocks Nail gun (or Wood glue) Hard­ware or a knob of some sort Begin by attach­ing the four 12x2 board to the four cor­ners of the 8x8 board. We used…

  • DIY Projects

    A Tiered Tray Styled with DIY Projects

    I have nev­er real­ly dec­o­rat­ed for Valen­tine’s Day but I am real­ly enjoy­ing just a sprin­kle of love here and there min­gled with my decor. And after see­ing plen­ty of Valen­tine’s Day trays decked out in bright reds and pinks I decid­ed I want­ed to tone things down a bit and bring some of my DIY projects togeth­er to cre­ate a beau­ti­ful­ly styled Neu­tral Valen­tines Day Tiered Tray. When all was said and done this lit­tle thing was FILLED with sim­ple DIY’s I have cre­at­ed over time. There is noth­ing more sat­is­fy­ing that see­ing all your projects come togeth­er beau­ti­ful­ly.…

  • DIY Projects

    Easy Picture Frame Using Paint Sticks

    Let me just start by say­ing this project is soooo sim­ple. But do not, I repeat, do not let the sim­plic­i­ty of some­thing fool you. This lit­tle frame packs a pret­ty big punch in the shelf sit­ting are­na. It all start­ed with a craft cart full of ran­dom­ness and a han­kerin to mae some­thing with my hands and..whala! Here is how you can recre­ate your very own! Start with some basic sup­plies, a glue gun, some quart size paint stir sticks or (even some lit­tle shims would work too) the back of an old pic­ture frame with the “leg” thingy attached,…

  • DIY Projects

    How to Prep Your Cabinets for Paint

    Okay, y’all. Let me just start by say­ing, I am not a pro­fes­sion­al painter. This is my sec­ond time tak­ing on this type of project but my first time doc­u­ment­ing the process. I com­plete­ly under­stand how over­whelm­ing it can become with the crazy amount of cab­i­net paint­ing tuto­ri­als that are out there. That is why I have tried my very best to break it down in the clear­est way possible.  We recent­ly moved into our for­ev­er home and even though I fell in love with the house, I did not love the cab­i­nets. And let me tell ya, if there…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Winter Decor from Amazon

    Late­ly, I have been try­ing to embrace the cozi­ness the house can bring dur­ing the frigid Win­ter months. It can get quite dreery and drab out­side and it can most cer­tain­ly drag your mood down, espe­cial­ly after the twin­kle lights of Christ­mas have fad­ed. But lis­ten, just because the weath­er may be yuck and unwel­come, that does­n’t mean you have to feel that way in your home. I am a firm believ­er in sur­round­ing your­self with what makes you feel good and hap­py to be home.  With that being said, I have been on the hunt for sta­ple peices and Ama­zon…