Easy Christmas Ornament Using Scrap Fabric

I have been mak­ing the heck out of some Christ­mas orna­ments late­ly. I am look­ing for any and every way to add some­thing cute to my tree and it’s new theme with­out break­ing the bank. Mak­ing orna­ments has nev­er real­ly some­ht­ing I have been too pas­sion­ate about until now sim­ply because I typ­i­cal­ly like to…

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Buffalo Check Christmas Ornament

Late­ly I have been on a roll with Christ­mas projects. I have slow­ly been “win­ter­iz­ing” my house with flock­ing and trees all over the place! I have also been craft­ing away at some DIY Christ­mas orna­ments to add to the my new­ly themed tree this year! As you may already know, I am incor­po­rat­ing a lot…

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DIY Jumbo Christmas Ornament from an Old Frame

Y’all.… in case you did­n’t already know, I am in full blown Christ­mas mode over here! No I am not dec­o­rat­ing yet but I sure am doing my best to prep and cre­ate decor for my tran­si­tion from tra­di­tion­al reds and greens to a more neu­tral palette.  Chang­ing col­or schemes can be dif­fi­cult and those…

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Easy DIY Stamped Wood Block Ornaments

This is one of those projects that I did­n’t total­ly come togeth­er until the very end. At first, the plain ole wood blocks do not look that impres­sive. I encour­age you to stick this one out until the end. I think you will be present­ly surprised.  I start­ed with these cute lit­tle pre-cut wood blocks…

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How to Make a Rustic Embroidery Hoop Wreath

This DIY embroi­dery hoop wreath is the per­fect addi­tion to your rus­tic Christ­mas decor. This project start­ed much like the oth­ers, with a trip to the thrift store! Which if you know me, is my absolute favorite place to shop for sup­plies. I always keep my eye open for wood hoops, wood uten­sils and any…

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Fall Front Porch Styling Tips

I am knees deep in trans­form­ing dif­fer­ent parts of the home­stead into beau­ti­ful fall bliss. My man­tle is fin­ished and pump­kins are scat­tered through the liv­ing space. Next up on my agen­da is the front porch. My porch area, in this home, has always pre­sent­ed itself to be chal­leng­ing ans some­times pricey to dec­o­rate. For…

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Farmhouse Fall Decor from Amazon

It’s the begin­ning of Sep­tem­ber and here in West­ern Ken­tucky it still feels like sum­mer but I cant help but bring­ing out the pump­kins and all things fall here on the home­stead. In fact, today may be our first trip to the pump­kin patch this season.  Whether it’s still hot where you are or maybe…

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DIY Scrap Wood Fall Sign

I love a good scrap wood project, and this Scrap Wood Fall Sign does not dis­ap­point! There real­ly isn’t much you can’t do with a good piece of scrap wood. If you don’t have the lux­u­ry of hav­ing wood easy to access I have curat­ed an amaz­ing Scrap Wood Box Sub­scrip­tion that deliv­ers 3 or…

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Dollar Tree Leaf Transformed into Farmhouse Decor

If you know me then you know how much I enjoy walk­ing the isles of the dol­lar store. It’s excit­ing to see all the amaz­ing good­ies you can find for $1. Even if the prod­uct itself is a lit­tle “meh” I encour­age you to think out­side the box and imag­ine it with a fresh coat…

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Dollar Tree Halloween Topiary

I seri­ous­ly can’t believe it time to start think­ing about Hal­loween already! This time of year for us is insane­ly busy…from birth­days to hol­i­days it stays jam packed! So I get that it may be a bit ear­ly for Hal­loween for some but if I don’t plan ahead it just will not happen.  This projects…

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