Fall Front Porch Styling Tips

I am knees deep in trans­form­ing dif­fer­ent parts of the home­stead into beau­ti­ful fall bliss. My man­tle is fin­ished and pump­kins are scat­tered through the liv­ing space. Next up on my agen­da is the front porch. My porch area, in this home, has always pre­sent­ed itself to be chal­leng­ing ans some­times pricey to dec­o­rate. For one, I am not in love with the exte­ri­or col­ors of the house, and the bud­get does­n’t have room for a fresh coat of paint, let alone all-new sid­ing. Soooo, all my wor­ries aside, I plan to do my best to light­en up the space around my front door with­out break­ing the bank.

What I quick­ly dis­cov­ered in all my hours spent fil­ter­ing through ideas on Pin­ter­est is that the pos­si­bil­i­ties are tru­ly end­less. I am excit­ed to take you on this jour­ney of porch dis­cov­ery so maybe we can work through our dec­o­rat­ing hang-ups together!

I have gath­ered some dif­fer­ent ideas and ele­ments that can eas­i­ly be incor­po­rat­ed on your porch to cre­ate that per­fect wel­com­ing vibe.


I love this look sim­ply because it’ not over the top and they used the rock­ers they already had on their porch. Dec­o­rat­ing your porch for fall does not have to be a com­plete over­haul. Sim­ply adding to the exist­ing ele­ments is a good way to achieve a pulled-togeth­er look on a budget.


Some­times just get­ting back to the basics is all you need. This dis­play is sim­ple yet says “hey, I’m fes­tive” I have great respect for those that can see the beau­ty in a sim­ple cre­ation like this. I tend to want to go over­board, so this is a reminder that some­times less can in fact be much more. 


Just look at those bas­kets!!! Bas­kets add just the right amount of tex­ture and details to this mut­ed space. Oh my good­ness this is bril­liant! Search through the house for bas­kets, wick­er, wire, metal…use what you have to bring your look togeth­er with­out going wayyy over the top.


Okay, so maybe pump­kins just aren’t your thing. Or maybe they are not read­i­ly avail­able where you’re from. The solu­tion? Fall foliage! Just loo at that gor­geous mix­ture of rusty cas­cad­ing col­ors! For an impact like this, def­i­nite­ly veer away from the “less is more” con­cept and just let the foliage flow! Let the nat­ur­al grade of your front steps be your guide for arrang­ing and placement. 


I just love the feel­ing a cute lit­tle sign adds to an entry­way. It instant­ly adds char­ac­ter and charm to this sim­ple fall dis­play. Again, not over the top but it gives you all the fall feels before you even step inside.


Friends I encour­age you to nev­er under­es­ti­mate the pow­er of a com­fy blan­ket. And oh my good­ness the sim­plic­i­ty! Grab a throw blan­ket or even a blan­ket scarf from a local thrift store to add to a bench or rock­er. It’s an instant way to add a touch of charm and cozi­ness to you porch.


Grow­ing up, going aue-nat­u­rale was the only way we dec­o­rat­ed our front porch. It was the sure way to achieve a clas­sic fall look with­out the hefty price tag. Check out a local farm­ers mar­ket or as a farmer for their left­over stalks and bales to recre­ate a nat­ur­al fall scape for your porch!


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