Search Results for: diy

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Dollar Tree Leaf Transformed into Farmhouse Decor

    If you know me then you know how much I enjoy walk­ing the isles of the dol­lar store. It’s excit­ing to see all the amaz­ing good­ies you can find for $1. Even if the prod­uct itself is a lit­tle “meh” I encour­age you to think out­side the box and imag­ine it with a fresh coat of paint or re pur­posed into some­thing com­plete­ly different!  In this case a lit­tle spray paint and a coat of laquer was all I need­ed to trans­form a cheap look­ing tray into a beau­ti­ful piece of farm­house fall decor! I chose a white spray paint because…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Dollar Tree Halloween Topiary

    I seri­ous­ly can’t believe it time to start think­ing about Hal­loween already! This time of year for us is insane­ly busy…from birth­days to hol­i­days it stays jam packed! So I get that it may be a bit ear­ly for Hal­loween for some but if I don’t plan ahead it just will not happen.  This projects is super fun and made almost entire­ly of Dol­lar Tree supplies…even better! Start by adding hot glue to the rim of your ter­ra cot­ta pot and press­ing your Span­ish moss to the glue. I real­ly love the eeerie vibe the col­or of this moss gives…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Easy Natural Fall Tablescape Step-By-Step

    Since mov­ing in our home a lit­tle over a year ago, we have done sev­er­al DIY projects togeth­er as a fam­i­ly. Most of which I regret not doc­u­ment­ing. My favorite project to date was the din­ing room table we built as a fam­i­ly. I did cap­ture a few of the spe­cial moments of us build­ing as a fam­i­ly but I cer­tain­ly wish I had more of the process to share with you all. Any­way, all feel­ings aside, I had nev­er had a table like this before. It’s approx­i­mate­ly 7 ft long and can seat up to 8 peo­ple. Need­less to say,…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Free Wood Box Pumpkin Makeover

    Lis­ten, when you’re on a tight dec­o­rat­ing bud­get like I lit­er­al­ly always am, you can learn real quick how to make some­thing from noth­ing. In my recent thrift­ing adven­tures I found a cute lit­tle oval poplar wood box for FREE! It lit­er­al­ly does­n’t get any bet­ter than that! At the time I had no clue what I’d be using it for but I knew it had potential. After get­ting my thrift­ed trea­sures home and unload­ing every­thing in the floor, I noticed my lit­tle box again. I had sat it out of the box hap­haz­ard­ly on its side and that’s when…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Barn Wood Plate Display

    SUPPLIES Barn Wood Screws Drill This project actu­al­ly stemmed from my DIY RAE DUNN PLATES project. After mak­ing those beau­ties I need­ed a way to dis­play them in my decor.…and here we are. This DIY is short, sweet and to the point…just the way I like it! Like my friend, Brooke with Re-Fabbed, always says “Ain’t nobody got time for hard projects!” If you’re the type that loves sim­ple DIY with a BIG result then this one is just for you. It took me about 5 min­utes tops! First and fore­most you will need a board.  I used a piece of old barn…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Rae Dunn Inspired Christmas Plates

    If you have nev­er heard of Rae Dunn it is very pos­si­ble that you may be liv­ing under a rock. It is seri­ous­ly all the rage in farm­house styled décor right now. I must admit I am not entire­ly sure why since noth­ing about the sim­ple designs scream farm­house to me…BUT…they are sim­ply presh…you know what else they are? Expen­sive! At least some of the time any­way. If you’re one of the lucky few that has been able to snag some amaz­ing deals on this adorable col­lec­tion at TjMaxx then kudos, I tip my hat to you my friend. Heck,…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Easy Farmhouse Candle Ring

    SUPPLIES 2 Euca­lyp­tus stems (or stems of your choice) Flo­ral wire Wire cut­ters It seems like I am always lack­ing in green­ery around my home. If I am restyling a shelf or revamp­ing the cof­fee table I always feel like I am steal­ing my green­ery from oth­er areas of the house, leav­ing them lookin a lit­tle naked. Plus, lets face it…greenery can be expen­sive! When I found these super cute euca­lyp­tus stems for only $3 each it was a no brainer…I was gonna make some for myself. Start by snip­ping sev­er­al pieces of your flo­ral wire with your wire cutters. Then,…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Summer Seed Packet Banner

    SUPPLIES Seed Pack­ets Mini Clothes Pins Jute This lit­tle project is SO sim­ple I feel like I can hard­ly call it a DIY! I came up with this idea last sum­mer when plan­ning for my pic­nic themed baby show­er and I kept it in my back pock­et. I decid­ed its just too cute not to share. Use it around your home, on your out­door veg­gie stand or even as a good pho­to prop. Let’s get start­ed by grab­bing your sup­plies. I found my seed pack­ets 4 for $1 at my local Dol­lar Gen­er­al, jute and mini clothes pins, also from Dol­lar…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Embroidery Hoop Barn Wood Sign

    SUPPLIES Scrap wood or Barnwood 3 Embroi­dery Hoops Cute Print­ed Paper Napkins Wood Let­ters Rib­bon Hot Glue Every once in a while you get one of those genius ideas where the light bulb just goes off. ..yeah that was me with THIS project! It all stemmed from a need to throw some last minute decor togeth­er for the 4th. We lit­er­al­ly went from no plans to …uhhh were gonna have a house full of peo­ple tomor­row and I need to get my crap (for the lack of a bet­ter word) togeth­er. Now mind you, it i‑i-i-is just fam­i­ly com­ing over for…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Easy 4th of July Decor

    Sup­plies An assort­ment of small branches  White Spray Paint of your choice Col­or­ful wood beads Wood Craft Stars Wood Stain of your choice  Hot Glue Gun Last night we had some CRAY‑Z storms roll through, knock­ing down trees and blow­ing limbs and leaves every-stinkin-where. Inspi­ra­tion came for this project as I stood gaz­ing out my win­dow dread­ing the yard work in my near future. Then it hit me…why do yard work when you can DIY?  Me and my handy man, Linc, went and gath­ered a few branch­es. I mean after all, we were get­ting limbs out of the yard. Two birds, one stone and…