Barn Wood Plate Display


  • Barn Wood
  • Screws
  • Drill

This project actu­al­ly stemmed from my DIY RAE DUNN PLATES project. After mak­ing those beau­ties I need­ed a way to dis­play them in my decor.…and here we are.

This DIY is short, sweet and to the point…just the way I like it! Like my friend, Brooke with Re-Fabbed, always says “Ain’t nobody got time for hard projects!” If you’re the type that loves sim­ple DIY with a BIG result then this one is just for you. It took me about 5 min­utes tops!

First and fore­most you will need a board. 

I used a piece of old barn wood from anoth­er project and decid­ed I’d use it to dis­play my plates instead. I sim­ply adore the char­ac­ter of authen­tic barn wood. Espe­cial­ly this piece since it came off the barn on the farm we live on. It has his­to­ry and knows this land bet­ter than I do at this point.

Now y’all please for­give me, but for the life of me I can not remem­ber to get a pic­ture of this wood piece before styling it. I promise I will come back and share a pho­to of it and the barn it came from in the near future…ps mom brain is a real thing!

Before get­ting into the big stuff, you will need to fash­ion some sort of hang­er on the back­side of your board. I used a cou­ple screws and some twine…nothing too tech­ni­cal, just as long as it will hold.

Now that your board is ready to hang let’s dive into the hard part.…if you can real­ly even call it that.

Grab your plates and line them up on the board where you’d like them to sit. Remem­ber to account for dif­fer­ent sized plates for when you decide to switch out your decor. Though I did­n’t, feel free to measure.

Grab some long screws. I opt­ed for a grey coat­ed as opposed to the shiny ones, just so they would blend bet­ter with the wood color.

Sim­ply posi­tion your screws on either side of the apex of the plate. (My hub­by taught me that word.) I looked at him like he was crazy when he told me that. He lat­er explaned it’s the point where the curve of the edge of the plate changes direc­tion. Who knew??? NOT ME! Geom­e­try is not my thing (insert sweat­ing emo­ji here) haha!

Just a side note, DO NOT insert your screws past the height of the rim of the plate. They need to come out just a tad fur­ther than the plate itself so there is room to prop the plate. You can see here that I used the width of my fin­gers as a guide to know when to stop screwing.

Repeat the above step for your remain­ing plates. Your screws should look like this. 

Be sure to use screws with a large enough head that the edge of the plate will rest against it. If not then they will slide off the ends. 

The only thing left to do is hang this beau­ty and style with your favorite plates or dish­es! I used mine to dis­play my DIY RAE DUNN CHRISTMAS PLATES


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roostandrestore says:

Thank you so much! It was super fun and easy! 

roostandrestore says:

Thank you so much! 

Lesley Obert says:

LOVE THIS!!!!!!!

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