Search Results for: diy

  • Decor - DIY Projects

    Thrift Store Makeover: Glass Jack O’ Lantern

    So every Mon­day for the last sev­er­al months I have been shar­ing a week­ly Live Face­book seg­ment called “Makeover Mon­day” Where I share a week­ly thrift store makeover that peo­ple will love using in their home. From vas­es, to chairs and old dress­ers, there are soooo many ideas for thrift flips that will knock you socks off! A few weeks ago I grabbed this lit­tle glass jack o lantern for a whole quarter…or maybe 50 cents, I can’t exact­ly remem­ber but either way, it was a great deal for some­thing with “good bones” I shared the entire tuto­r­i­al of this project on…

  • Decor - DIY Projects - Scrap Wood Projects

    Fall Barn Wood Decor

    Y’all let me tell you. I absolute­ly LOVE me a good scrap wood project! It’s kin­da fun­ny how you can be drawn to cer­tain kinds of projects. What I love the most about this DIY fall barn wood decor is its sim­plic­i­ty. Mak­ing and craft­ing does­n’t have to be com­pli­cat­ed or over the top. All you need to recre­ate a your own fall barn­wood decor is…  barn wood scrap fab­ric uphol­stery tacks hot glue + glue gun cot­ton pick small wood beads Now you may be think­ing, where in the world am I gonna get a piece of barn wood. Luck­i­ly, I have a Wood­pile Col­lec­tion…

  • Decor - DIY Projects

    How to Make Vintage Inspired Wooden Spools

    I love to incor­po­rat­ed vin­tage and DIY pieces in and around my home. This lit­tle project is inspired by both! These vin­tage inspired wood­en spools are so incred­i­bly easy to make and would be so super cute styled on a shelf, tiered tray or vignette!  Let’s jump right in! Supplies for making Vintage Inspired Spools (4) 1 1/2“x2 1/8″ Wood Spool (Found at Hob­by Lobby) (4) 2“x1/4″ Disc Cir­cle (Found at Hob­by Lobby) Hot Glue E6000 Antique Wax Baby Wipe Sand­pa­per Rib­bon and embell­ish­ments of choice Before we begin, I want­ed to share that you can find these spools and discs at Hob­by…

  • DIY Projects

    How to Make A Simple Back to School Sign

    It’s hard to believe the Sum­mer is already com­ing to an end. Here at the home­stead we have been doing all of the end of Sum­mer things, putting up the gar­den veg­gies, shop­ping school sup­plies and plan­ning for all of the back to school fes­tiv­i­ties. It got me to think­ing about all of the cute and cre­ative ways teach­ers can dec­o­rate their classrooms.That is where the idea of this sim­ple back to school sign came to be. This lit­tle cre­ation would make a cute piece for a bul­letin board, a desk or some­where in a classroom. If you want to…

  • Decor - DIY Projects

    Easy Painted Wood Sunflower

    This wood sun­flower DIY was a lit­tle out­side of my com­fort zone. For some rea­son paint­ing makes me a ner­vous wreck buu­u­uttt I decid­ed to take a dose of my own med­i­cine, and like I always say “Just go for it!”  So this is me going for it. I decid­ed to give this sim­ple wood sun­flower dimen­sion with a paint­ing tech­nique that I love to refer to as “wood but­ter­ing.” It’s lit­er­al­ly where you spread your paint on like you would but­ter a piece of toast…no kid­ding! Watch me but­ter this Wood Sunflower. This wood Sun­flower Kit is exclu­sive to our…

  • Christmas - DIY Projects

    Scandinavian Inspired Dollar Tree Bell Makeover

    I found these adorable lit­tle bells at our local Dol­lar Tree last Christ­mas and knew they would made a cute base for this Dol­lar Tree bell makeover. It dawned on me today, in the heat of July, that I would use them to cre­ate a Scan­di­na­vian inspired wreath for Christmas!  Scan­di­na­vian Christ­mas decor is sim­ple and focused on nat­ur­al col­ors and ele­ments. I think you will see the beau­ty in the sim­plic­i­ty of this dol­lar tree bell makeover and hope­ful­ly find it inspir­ing.… let’s get to it! Here is what you will need to recre­ate this look Supplies Plas­tic Bells (I found…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling - Roost+Restore Home

    Roost and Restore Home: Let’s Go Pickin’!

    Have you heard about The Home­goods Mar­ket? It’s my small home decor bou­tique that spe­cial­izes in small batch, hand­made items picked by me, Kaycee, and the Roost+Restore team. When I launched Roost+Restore to help folks dec­o­rate their homes with resource­ful DIY decor, I nev­er imag­ined that I would own an online home decor bou­tique and get to go trea­sure hunt­ing for a job! God is good, y’all! This week, The Home­goods Mar­ket launched a col­lec­tion that is near and dear to my heart. Y’all know I pride myself on resource­ful home decor, and the Let’s Go Pickin’ Col­lec­tion fea­tures unique,…

  • DIY Projects

    Repouring A Dough Bowl Candle

    If you are new to Roost and Restore, wel­come! Around here we are all about dec­o­rat­ing our homes resource­ful­ly! In con­junc­tion with the DIY dec­o­rat­ing ideas I share with yall, I have have cre­at­ed a rus­tic home decor bou­tique called The Home­Goods Mar­ket where we sell unique home decor pieces, vin­tage and pret­ty much any­thing that encom­pass­es whole­some old fash­ioned living!  That’s where this tuto­r­i­al comes in. Here on the blog today I am going to be shar­ing the sim­ple step by step process of repour­ing a dough bowl that can be pur­chased in our bou­tique! We now offer the…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling - DIY Projects

    Our Buffalo Check Couch from Marketplace

    Yes, it’s true. I am chang­ing couches…AGAIN! This will be the 3rd couch we have rotat­ed into this space in lit­tle over a year. But here me out, okay? I ful­ly believe it is 100 per­cent okay to play around with our fur­ni­ture until you find that per­fect fit. That exact­ly what this buf­fa­lo check beau­ty did for me.  We start­ed out with a beau­ti­ful sec­tion­al when we moved in. It was a gift to our­selves before we bought out cur­rent home­stead. It was cus­tom built and my very first piece of brand new fur­ni­ture ever! We we’re liv­ing the high…

  • Decor - DIY Projects

    Faux French Country Pottery

    This faux french coun­try will have you want­i­ng to grab your joint com­pound and add tex­ture to absolute­ly every­thing! It’s not an extrav­a­gant DIY. Yes there are a few steps and it could get a bit messy but it’s the sum of all those things togeth­er that made a sim­ple, unex­tra­or­di­nary dol­lar tree planter into a French coun­try inspired piece of “faux pot­tery” for your home. What do you need to create a faux french pottery finish? Plas­tic container joint com­pound paint brush x2 paint of choice, I am using a beige sam­ple from Lowes plas­tic Wal­mart Bag Var­nish dirt.….yes good ole dirt from…