How to Make A Simple Back to School Sign

It’s hard to believe the Sum­mer is already com­ing to an end. Here at the home­stead we have been doing all of the end of Sum­mer things, putting up the gar­den veg­gies, shop­ping school sup­plies and plan­ning for all of the back to school fes­tiv­i­ties. It got me to think­ing about all of the cute and cre­ative ways teach­ers can dec­o­rate their classrooms.That is where the idea of this sim­ple back to school sign came to be. This lit­tle cre­ation would make a cute piece for a bul­letin board, a desk or some­where in a classroom.

If you want to make this sim­ple back to school sign for your­self, this is what you will need.

Supplies to make a Simple Back to School Sign

  • Card­board
  • Rulers
  • Scrap­book Paper
  • Hot Glue
  • Wood Let­ter
  • Small Glue Stick
  • Paint (red, white, black)
  • Paint­brush­es

Begin by cut­ting your card­board to the side of your rulers and cov­er with a piece of note­book paper or scrap­book paper.

Frame out your card­board with your rulers. I sug­gest grab­bing some wood­en ones that can be stained or painted.

ruler framed sign

Next add a lit­tle flair to your sign by paint­ing a large wood­en let­ter or even spell out a teach­ers ini­tials with a few small­er ones. These came from the Wood­pile at Hob­by Lob­by but sim­i­lar ones can be found at Wal­mart and oth­er craft stores as well.

painting a wooden letter red

Attach your let­ter to the sign with hot glue and embell­ish with your choice of rib­bon! I had an old mea­sur­ing tape on hand so it became part of my R+R Bow (Rib­bon + Raffia).

ps…the + sign is made by cut­ting a small pop­si­cle stick in small­er pieces, over­lap­ping and painting.

back to school diy sign
cute diy sign using cardboard
simple back to school DIY
simple desk decor diy

Look­ing for more resource­ful DIY crafts and projects? My DIY Decor Box is a month­ly curat­ed DIY wood project box that is themed, sea­son­al and beau­ti­ful! Cre­ate your own beau­ti­ful decor for your home each month! With three dif­fer­ent options, you can pick the box that fits your needs. Join the wait­list to be the first to know when new spots open up!

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