Our Buffalo Check Couch from Marketplace

Yes, it’s true. I am chang­ing couches…AGAIN! This will be the 3rd couch we have rotat­ed into this space in lit­tle over a year. But here me out, okay? I ful­ly believe it is 100 per­cent okay to play around with our fur­ni­ture until you find that per­fect fit. That exact­ly what this buf­fa­lo check beau­ty did for me. 

We start­ed out with a beau­ti­ful sec­tion­al when we moved in. It was a gift to our­selves before we bought out cur­rent home­stead. It was cus­tom built and my very first piece of brand new fur­ni­ture ever! We we’re liv­ing the high life. When we moved into the RR Home­stead it no longer fit. Well let me rephrase, it did fit but it no longer matched the space. The couch, as pret­ty as it was too mod­ern and clean for what I had envi­sioned. But here’s the thing.…I did­n’t real­ly know what I envi­sioned, all I knew was that it was NOT that couch.

rustic living room sectional

Which leads us to couch num­ber 2. A long high backed tuft­ed beau­ty of mar­ket­place. I mean she was a beaut! And although it was a but clos­er to the rustic/ ele­gant vibe I want­ed some­thing still just felt off. Y’all it took me almost an entire year to decide that it was the couch that made the room feel dis­joint­ed. I came to the sad real­iza­tion that is was in fact, time to let her go.

tufted farmhouse couch in living room

Sooo where does a girl shop for fur­ni­ture when she has 2 young boys and 2 pup­pies at home???.…Facebook Mar­ket­place of course! There I was, scrolling my mar­ket­place feed, mind­ing my own busi­ness when this amaz­ing buf­fa­lo check couch came across my feed. I mean, it lit­er­al­ly slowed my scroll. and I think you will see why!

Why did you chose a buffalo check couch?

Truth­ful­ly, I had zero intent on pulling a pat­terned couch in the space. I mean lit­er­al­ly Z‑E-R‑O. That was until I was inspired on Pin­ter­est of a white and fad­ed mod­ern prim­i­tive farm­house look. I will have to dig up the pic­ture for you in a sep­a­rate post but need­less to say it caught my eye. The when I saw this one on my mar­ket­place feed I knew I had to give that look a shot.

rustic living room decor with buffalo check couch and wood coffee table

Do you like secondhand furniture?

Absolute­ly! In fact, most of our home in dec­o­rat­ed with pre­vi­ous­ly loved sec­ond hand items, from the Good­will wreath on my door, to the chalk paint­ed end tables from my mom, almost every sur­face is touched by a DIY of some sort.

Sec­ond­hand fur­ni­ture is a real­ly great option for house­holds with young kids and fam­i­ly pets. I’m sure one day I will shop for new fur­ni­ture, but today is not that day.

rustic living room decor with bufffalo check couch

How do you style a buffalo check couch?

I’m glad you asked. It would­n’t take much for this pat­tern to become over­whelm­ing and that’s why this is the only form of buf­fa­lo check you will find in my liv­ing room. I do have the pat­tern scat­tered here and there through­out the house but it’s the largest piece and styling is so impor­tant with a focal point of this mag­ni­tude. With that being said, neu­trals. NEUTRALS…N‑E-U-T-R-A-L‑S. Solid’s and some­thing with min­i­mal pat­tern. I chose to go with some sim­ple grain sack pil­lows I found at The Home­goods Market

rustic living room decor with buffalo check couch and gallery wall

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