Memorial Day Poppy Flower DIY

Often­times when we think of Memo­r­i­al Day our minds auto­mat­i­cal­ly shift to the unof­fi­cial start of Sum­mer. I want­ed to take a moment to hon­or the lives of those that give mean­ing to the Memo­r­i­al Day that we observe. It is my hope that this Memo­r­i­al Day DIY will help us to remem­ber those that gave their lives defend­ing our beau­ti­ful coun­try that we know and love.

Memorial Day DIY Poppy Flower ‑Supplies Needed

  • Scrap Wood Plank
  • Red Fab­ric from the Fab­ric Fan Club
  • Sticks from the yard
  • White Paint ( I am using Plas­ter by Waverly)
  • Stain or Antique Glaze (I am using Waver­ly Antique Glaze from Walmart)
  • Uphol­stery Nails
  • Scis­sors
  • Hot Glue
  • Ham­mer
  • Pop­si­cle stick

Being by stain­ing or glaz­ing your board with a dark brown col­or. I am using an antiquing glaze by Waver­ly. This can be found at Wal­mart in the craft­ing sec­tion. It has beau­ti­ful col­or with­out the odor and stain­ing that a typ­i­cal stain has.

Sim­ply paint it on and wipe it away. Use the excess on your rag to blend onto the oth­er areas of your board.

This step will com­plete­ly change the look of the board. It’s kin­da mag­i­cal how it works. Grab a pop­si­cle stick and begin spread­ing your paint across the board. I like to smear the paint then run the stick across the board flat. This will drag the paint and scrap the excess away at the same time. See the video tuto­r­i­al for more detail on this process.

While your paint is dry­ing, go grab a few sticks from your yard and hot glue them to the board to cre­ate the stems of your pop­py flowers.

Cut your fab­ric into a spi­ral, as shown, attach the end of your fab­ric at the top of your stick and cir­cle the fab­ric in on itself, tack­ing the mid­dle with a dot of hotglue. 

Sing up for the FABRIC FAN CLUB to receive your own pack of sea­son­al fab­rics each month! 

Embell­ish the cen­ter with a dark uphol­stery tack or paint­ed wood bead to com­plete your pop­py flower! Now you’re ready style your beau­ti­ful Memo­r­i­al Day DIY!

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Shirley says:

Beau­ti­ful! Just plain beau­ti­ful! I love mak­ing flow­ers with dif­fer­ent fab­ric and those pop­pies look awe­some on the wood with the stems! I need to dig thru my stash! Are you keep­ing this for your­self? I grew up ‑art­sy in Cal­i­for­nia where pop­pies are the state flower and I always had a love for them!

Thank you so much! As of right now yes I will be keep­ing this and dec­o­rat­ing around my home with it. I did­n’t real­ize the pop­py is Cal­i­for­ni­a’s state flower. You taught me some­thing today!

Shirley says:

I guess I should have men­tioned that the Cal­i­for­nia pop­py is more of an orange pop­py but still a pop­py. Have a great memo­r­i­al weekend!

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