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10 Vintage July 4th Decor Ideas

I have gath­ered a col­lec­tion of some beau­ti­ful Vin­tage July 4th decor ideas and DIYs for your inspi­ra­tion this hol­i­day. is such a nos­tal­gia that comes with Inde­pen­dence Day. Each and every year the cel­e­bra­tions, and the decor around town and around the house have me reliv­ing mem­o­ries from my child­hood. I real­ly feel like…

DIY Barn Wood Pumpkin Decor

I am cur­rent­ly obsess­ing over this DIY barn wood pump­kin decor. Each of our scrap wood mys­tery box sub­scribers received 2 of these pump­kin cutouts sourced from reclaimed barn­wood right here from my farm. We offer these projects as a quar­ter­ly sea­son­al sub­scrip­tion so cre­atives have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make beau­ti­ful decor from reclaimed wood. …

Fall Porch Decor Kits

This week at R+R I have been craft­ing all the things get my porch ready for fall. This col­lec­tion of DIY kits are avail­able at Roost and Restore Home among oth­er projects you can craft and dec­o­rate with. We like to offer high qual­i­ty projects that we can not only inspire you with but also…

Rustic Patriotic DIY Decor

I had so much fun curat­ing this Rus­tic Patri­ot­ic DIY Decor with my friends over on Face­book. Lov­ing on these ladies through online fel­low­ship and craft­ing is one of the many bless­ing of hav­ing a DIY and dec­o­rat­ing busi­ness. I shared my per­son­al spin on each of 3 hand cut wood craft kits to inspire…

DIY Easter Cross Decor

I haven’t craft­ed a whole lot of East­er decor this sea­son and I have been sav­ing a lit­tle wood cross I found at my local dol­lar store for when the inspi­ra­tion hit. Today was the day! I made the most beau­ti­ful East­er cross decor dis­play using that dol­lar store find and a few items from…

DIY Jumbo Tulip Porch Decor

A few weeks ago I grabbed up these cute met­al tulip shapes from my local Dol­lar Store and knew I need­ed to make some­thing cute…what exact­ly? Well, a crafter nev­er real­ly knows but my heart end­ed up lead­ing me to cre­ate the most adorable jum­bo tulip porch decor! SUPPLIES Met­al tulip cutouts from Dol­lar Tree Scrap­book paper…

Rustic Coffee Table Decor for Spring

Styling cof­fee tables has become one of my favorite ways to quick­ly change up my decor for dif­fer­ent sea­sons or occa­sions. Late­ly I have been mak­ing a lot of new DIY decor pieces from the DIY DECOR BOX and I was so excit­ed to see them all come togeth­er so beau­ti­ful­ly as my cof­fee table…

St. Patrick’s Day Cloche Decor

I have to admit I have nev­er dec­o­rat­ed for St. Pat­ty’s Day. Nor have I ever craft­ed for it but I got up the urge to make some­thing super cute to style in one of our beau­ti­ful cloches we have in store and I am telling ya. I think I might have just changed my…

Simple Spring Garden Tool Decor

Do you ever pick some­thing up at the store, think ooooh I could make some­thing cute with this, throw it i your shop­ping cart only to stash it away in your craft clos­et? Good. I knew I could­n’t be the only one. That was me about 3 years ago with the cutest lit­tle set of…

DIY Christmas Decor Using an Old Canvas

This week I kicked off with some Christ­mas craft­ing. Every Mon­day I go LIVE on Face­book to share a fun makeover idea and this week DIY Christ­mas decor is just what I need­ed to get the week started! I grabbed a can­vas for $1.99 at the local Good­will, removed the dat­ed can­vas image to reveal…