St. Patrick’s Day Cloche Decor

I have to admit I have nev­er dec­o­rat­ed for St. Pat­ty’s Day. Nor have I ever craft­ed for it but I got up the urge to make some­thing super cute to style in one of our beau­ti­ful cloches we have in store and I am telling ya. I think I might have just changed my own mind. I mean, after all I do love green! This St. Patrick­’s Day cloche real­ly start­ed out as a few mini projects with­in a project that I demon­strat­ed LIVE ON FACEBOOK and rather than walk through each lit­tle project step by step I encour­age you to catch the replay. 

How­ev­er, I am show­ing you the fin­ished, styled cloche here for inspi­ra­tion and a few sug­ges­tions for your craft­ing stash. This project kin­da evolved as I went and I was thank­ful for hav­ing a few of these cor­ner­stone craft­ing sup­plies from the Dol­lar Tree in my stash. I’ve learned over the years you can’t always have your projects planned from start to fin­ish but hav­ing a few basics tucked away for a rainy day will keep your projects run­ning smoothly.

Supplies to keep in your crafting stash you may not have thought about

  • scrab­ble tiles
  • mini jen­ga blocks
  • rein­deer moss
  • minia­ture hearts

I used each of the sup­plies ‚men­tioned above in this St. Patrick­’s Day cloche project and I was so thank­ful I had them read­i­ly avail­able! Rarely do I have all of the sup­plies laid out before begin­ning a craft. Instead, I like to start with a gen­er­al idea or vision and then let the project evolve like it did with this lit­tle beauty.

St. Patrick's Day cloche styled wth Dollar Tree DIYs

Did you spot the scrab­ble tiles? What about the jen­ga blocks? I used the mini jen­ga blocks as a stand for the “Lucky” word seen here. I need­ed some­thing a bit taller than the pot of gold so I impro­vised by glu­ing 2 mini jen­ga blocks from the Dol­lar Tree end to end and used a third as a base. 

Then I added the scrab­ble tiles, using hot glue, to the jen­ga blocks! Vio­la! Sim­ple and it was the per­fect lit­tle piece for this cloche, don’t you agree?

St. Patrick's Day cloche on farmhouse book stack

The clover was anoth­er lit­tle mini project cre­at­ed fro this look. It was craft­ed fus­ing 2 wood­en heart stick­ers left over from the Dol­lar Tree Valen­tine’s Day col­lec­tion! Neat right? I love when I can use basic shapes to cre­ate new ones. In this case, the per­fect lit­tle mini shamrock!

DIY St. Patrick's Day decor from the dollar tree styled in glass cloche

Of course, no St. Patrick­’s Day cloche would be com­plete with­out a pot of gold. Our pot is a mini ter­ra cot­ta from, you guessed it, Dol­lar Tree! I cov­ered wood beads with mod podge and a bit of gold flake for these cute lit­tle nuggets! 

That’s it folks! all of these lit­tle mini projects were brought togeth­er in a beau­ti­ful glass cloche from Roost and Restore Home to cre­ate a beau­ti­ful and unique dis­play! I hope you enjoyed this project and be sure to catch the replay on Face­book for a more detailed demon­stra­tion of each piece!

DIY decor from the Dollar Tree


Then you will LOVE the R+R DIY Decor Box! Get amaz­ing home decor projects + sup­plies shipped to your door each month!

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Shirley says:

I am absolute­ly lov­ing this project! I think it’s a real­ly cute pot of gold! Can’t say as we’re so lucky to get one but that’s ok too…lol! It’s per­fect for St. Patty’s day and sim­ple to make as well!

Haha right! I’d love to have my own! Thank you so much for the encouragement! 

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