• DIY Projects

    Simple Heart Clips for Valentine’s Day

    Valen­tine’s Day is such a fun lit­tle hol­i­day to me. From mak­ing cards to giv­ing choco­lates, and all the roman­tic things in between; I think it’s fun. Is it super cheesy? Oh my word, yes! haha but… I real­ly don’t mind the label of a hope­less roman­tic if you choose to call me that. Even with all the love I have in my heart for the cel­e­bra­tions, it is just sim­ply one hol­i­day I don’t get excit­ed to dec­o­rate for sim­ple because of the bold col­ors that typ­i­cal­ly some along with it. Pinks, and reds, espe­cial­ly, just aren’t what I…

  • Decor

    Winter Decor Ideas for After Christmas

    Although it is 60 degrees and I have my win­dows open, win­ter sol­stice has offi­cial­ly arrived here in West­ern Ken­tucky. Lucky for me this year I have focused more on win­ter­ing my decor from the begin­ning of the hol­i­day sea­son. Aside from tak­ing the Christ­mas tree down in a few days there is very lit­tle I will have to do to tran­si­tion the home­stead into a cozy abode this winter. I hope you enjoy gath­er­ing inspi­ra­tion from these spaces like I did bring­ing them togeth­er. Each idea is unique and would be a won­der­ful win­tery addi­tion to your home. I…

  • DIY Projects

    Simple Winter Display Using Upcycled Garland and Painted Sticks

    Christ­mas is less than a week away and that means it will soon be time to start prepar­ing to tran­si­tion your home decor from fes­tive to some­thing more sea­son­al. I love dec­o­rat­ing for win­ter because by-nature things are more sim­ple. I love the shades of whites and woods found in nature dur­ing this time of year and it is the per­fect time to bring a lit­tle bit of the out­doors inside…where it’s warm. This project uti­lizes sticks from the yard, seri­ous­ly it does­n’t get any cheap­er AND upcy­cled gar­land that I found at the thrift store a cou­ple weeks ago. I…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Rustic Winter Mantle Reveal 2019

    I have been dream­ing of dec­o­rat­ing this man­tle and fire­place and tonight I am so exci­tied to final­ly be shar­ing it with you! The new home we just moved into has this amaz­ing con­crete stone gas fire­place with a large wood­en man­tle. Even­tu­al­ly I plan to white­wash the stone and bright­en up the entire room but this year I dec­o­rat­ed it as-is and I could­n’t be happier!  The best part of this whole set up is the nice blend of thrift­ed finds and new items that come togeth­er to cre­ate a rus­tic, yet ele­gant and cozy look.  This look all began…

  • DIY Projects

    How to Make a Pom Pom Pillow

    I have been eager to make a pil­low like this for a while now but had dif­fi­cul­ty jus­ti­fy­ing pay­ing retail price for one. So I did what any good DIY’er would do and I decid­ed to make one for myself. I want you to help you learn to repli­cate the look of pop­u­lar high end pil­lows with­out the cost! Join me and cre­ate your own DIY pom pil­low in just a few sim­ple steps.This look was inspired not only for my obses­sion for pil­lows but also from fel­low blog­ger Kar­i­anne Wood with Thistle­wood Farms. She does an amaz­ing job pre­sent­ing…

  • DIY Projects - Scrap Wood Projects

    Simple Wood Block Houses

    I am see­ing these adorable ceram­ic nest­ing hous­es all over the place. Not only do they make adorable addi­tions to your Christ­mas decor, they are also great piences to have sit­ting out year round. My favorite part you may ask? The sim­plic­i­ty, of course. I like to keep things neu­tral over here at R+R and these lit­tle beau­ties just sim­ply make me happy. These are just your basic 2x cut to a point so that they resem­ble a rooftop. My lengths from bot­tom to tip are 10,7, and 5 inch­es. Cut them your­self or sim­ply order a set HERE Then, paint…

  • Decor

    Cozy Neutral Winter Mantles

    Oh my good­ness, I jut absolute­ly LOVE a beau­ti­ful­ly styled man­tle. They are eas­i­ly the focal point of an entire room and deserve to be the cen­ter of atten­tion! Up until just recent­ly (when we closed on our new home) I have not had a man­tle to play with and dec­o­rate. I have spent sooo many hours brows­ing Pin­ter­est for inspi­ra­tion for the beau­ti­ful fea­ture in our new home and of course I thought I would share some of my favorite win­ter styles with y’all. One thing you will notice about this col­lec­tion is all the neu­trals! Neu­trals are my jam…

  • DIY Projects

    Simple DIY Nativity Using Cinnamon Sticks

    I orginal­ly shared this project over on my Face­book page. It was such a hit I decid­ed to write it down step for step for easy ref­er­ence lat­er. Go ahead and save this one to your Christ­mas Pin­ter­est board…you will thank me later!  It all start­ed with a piece of scrap­wood or you can get a pre-cut wood block HERE and my favorite shade of white, Alabaster by Sher­win Williams. After paint­ing my wood block I cut a piece of hym­nal paper in a basic house, or in this case, sta­ble shape. This step can eas­i­ly be sub­si­tut­ed with an old…

  • Decor

    Home Decor Black Friday Deals from Amazon

    It is easy to get lost in the mix of crazy deals ands sales on the hottest shop­ping days like Black fri­day and Cyber Mon­day. I want­ed to make it eas­i­er for those look­ing specif­i­cal­ly to spruce up their space this hol­i­day sea­son. This would be a great list to share as a “safe shop­ping guide” for those that may have trou­ble decid­ing on a gift or maybe a gift for yourself!  Browse a col­lec­tion of some of my per­son­al favorite (affil­i­ate) linked home decor items from Amazon!The images are click­able and will refer you to an Ama­zon affil­i­ate link…

  • DIY Projects

    Upcycled Advent Countdown Cabinet

    So there is a fun­ny back sto­ry to how this cab­i­net came to be. If you know me then you know I like to online shop in the mid­dle of the night. I some­times wake up in the mid­dle­of th night and have trou­ble going back to sleep so I shop and day­dream until I get drowsy again. Weeeeeell, here’s the thing. I some­times buy things and com­plete­ly for­get about my com­mit­ment to pick them up or that I even bought it in the first place. Yeah, I know, weird huh?  That is exact­ly what hap­pened here, with this cab­i­net. I…