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Easy 4th of July Decor

Sup­plies An assort­ment of small branches  White Spray Paint of your choice Col­or­ful wood beads Wood Craft Stars Wood Stain of your choice  Hot Glue Gun Last night we had some CRAY‑Z storms roll through, knock­ing down trees and blow­ing limbs and leaves every-stinkin-where. Inspi­ra­tion came for this project as I stood gaz­ing out my win­dow dread­ing the…

2 Step Candlestick Makeover

Sup­plies Can­dle­stick of your choice  Spray Adhe­sive Flo­ral Moss If you love cre­ative decor like I do then this is def­i­nite­ly the project for you! It’s not your typ­i­cal can­dle­stick makeover with paint, though those do have their place in the world of DIY. Dare I say this project is EASIER than paint­ing and can be…

Upcycled Dry Sink Shelf

This is hands down my favorite project yet! And yes I am aware that I say that about every project but this time I real­ly mean it! Let me give you a lit­tle bit of back­ground on this piece. Near the town where I live in Ken­tucky there is an annu­al 400 Hun­dred Mile Yard…

Tiered Tray From Thrifted Plates

Supplies Needed: 3 Thrift­ed Plates Spin­dles Knob E6000 Adhe­sive Spray paint I have always want­ed a rea­son to buy all the pret­ty lit­tle plates from the thrift store or yard sales. I have want­ed one of those beau­ti­ful tiered farm­house trays for what seems like for­ev­er but could nev­er bring myself to spend the mon­ey.…

Creating a Budget Friendly Gallery Wall

There is some­thing very sat­is­fy­ing about going a trea­sure hunt through your own house look­ing for things to hang togeth­er. Its excit­ing to see a bunch of ran­dom objects some togeth­er to cre­ate one cohe­sive look. Chances are, you already have most of what you need lay­ing around the house. Take this cute lit­tle piece for…

Easy Facebook Marketplace Mirror Makeover

I am all the time looking for steals on Facebook Marketplace, its seriously one of my favorite ways to shop for home decor. When I found this adorable set of vintage mirrors for $25 it was a no brainer! With a little paint and distressing they were better than new and ready for their new…

Easy Wood Bead Napkin Rings

It’s not secret that I love wood bead ele­ments in my home and if you’re read­ing this I am guess­ing you share the same wood bead obses­sion that I do right? What did we ever do before “farm­house” decor haha. In addi­tion to this super cute nap­kin ring I also enjoyed mak­ing this super cute and…


Bible Study Cards Other DIY Printables So you’re look­ing for a free down­load­able print­able? I have you cov­ered! I have a cute selec­tion of images you can instant­ly down­load for your own use. There are oth­er ways to use a print­able oth­er than fram­ing it. See my cre­ation below for inspi­ra­tion on what you can do…

Upcycled Pine Cone Decor

I am not gonna lie this is one of those projects that when you first start it your like, “what the heck?” Or at least I was any­way. I had this grand vision of how it was sup­posed to look and let me just warn you you may be tempt­ed about 3 min­utes in to…