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More about Us.

Hey there, I’m Kaycee, just a small-town girl from West­ern Ken­tucky, shar­ing the ups and downs of my jour­ney. I live in a cozy lit­tle house with my two boys, Lin­coln and Ledger, and let me tell you, life’s been quite the ride! In 2018, I start­ed Roost and Restore Home—it was my lit­tle pas­sion project.…

Simple Winter Display Using Upcycled Garland and Painted Sticks

Christ­mas is less than a week away and that means it will soon be time to start prepar­ing to tran­si­tion your home decor from fes­tive to some­thing more sea­son­al. I love dec­o­rat­ing for win­ter because by-nature things are more sim­ple. I love the shades of whites and woods found in nature dur­ing this time of…

How to Make a Pom Pom Pillow

I have been eager to make a pil­low like this for a while now but had dif­fi­cul­ty jus­ti­fy­ing pay­ing retail price for one. So I did what any good DIY’er would do and I decid­ed to make one for myself. I want you to help you learn to repli­cate the look of pop­u­lar high end…

Upcycled Advent Countdown Cabinet

So there is a fun­ny back sto­ry to how this cab­i­net came to be. If you know me then you know I like to online shop in the mid­dle of the night. I some­times wake up in the mid­dle­of th night and have trou­ble going back to sleep so I shop and day­dream until I…

Easy Christmas Candle Display

I am elbows deep in pack­ing box­es and clean­ing out soooo much clut­ter before we move. That is how I dis­cov­ered the peices for this lit­tle gem. I was in my “office” which has real­ly just become a stor­age area forall of my sup­plies and projects when I came across these can­dles, and an old…

Easy Christmas Ornament Using Scrap Fabric

I have been mak­ing the heck out of some Christ­mas orna­ments late­ly. I am look­ing for any and every way to add some­thing cute to my tree and it’s new theme with­out break­ing the bank. Mak­ing orna­ments has nev­er real­ly some­ht­ing I have been too pas­sion­ate about until now sim­ply because I typ­i­cal­ly like to…

Pieces of Me

The Sto­ry of the Patch­work Quilt  So just to paint the scene here, I am writ­ing this in between sips of Sprite and chick­en noo­dle soup all while being wrapped up in an old patch­work quilt I helped my Grannie to make year­rrrs ago. As a kid, I remem­ber my Grannie’s lit­tle sewing room. It was…

Buffalo Check Christmas Ornament

Late­ly I have been on a roll with Christ­mas projects. I have slow­ly been “win­ter­iz­ing” my house with flock­ing and trees all over the place! I have also been craft­ing away at some DIY Christ­mas orna­ments to add to the my new­ly themed tree this year! As you may already know, I am incor­po­rat­ing a lot…

How to Make a Rustic Embroidery Hoop Wreath

This DIY embroi­dery hoop wreath is the per­fect addi­tion to your rus­tic Christ­mas decor. This project start­ed much like the oth­ers, with a trip to the thrift store! Which if you know me, is my absolute favorite place to shop for sup­plies. I always keep my eye open for wood hoops, wood uten­sils and any…