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How to Make Decorative Wood Blocks

Mak­ing dec­o­ra­tive wood blocks lit­er­al­ly the per­fect project for DIY begin­ners, or maybe you’re just learn­ing how to use a miter saw. If so, con­grats! I am excit­ed about all the things you can make, includ­ing these dec­o­ra­tive wood blocks. What you will need: 2x4 piece of wood, length depends on how many let­ters you need Miter…

Beautiful + Functional Raised Garden Beds

There are plen­ty of rea­sons to choose raised gar­den beds over tra­di­tion­al plant­i­ng. They are eas­i­er to weed and main­tain, plus they make gar­den­ing look orga­nized and beau­ti­ful. This year, like years before, we are chos­ing to raise our beds bly.ut I am approach­ing things a bit different This year I am excit­ed to have…

How to Make Wood Conditioner with Beeswax

I have a love for using wood­en uten­sils in my kitchen. Wood bowls, wood cut­ting boards, rolling pins… you name it. And while yes they are pret­ty to look at, and work well with just about any type of cook­ware, they do require a lit­tle bit of main­te­nence. What’s the solu­tion? An easy-to-make home­made wood…

Do It Yourself

Learn the art of sim­ple DIY projects, farm­house decor and home reme­dies. Roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty learn­ing to make and bring the joy of sim­ple, old fash­ioned, DIY liv­ing to your home.

Mama’s Old Fashioned Corn Bread

This is a fam­i­ly recipe hand­ed down from my great grand­moth­er, known as Memaw. She died not long after I was born in 1993 but her cook­ing style and recipes have been passed down through the gen­er­a­tion and now I am shar­ing with you. I have nev­er seen this par­tic­u­lar recipe writ­ten down on paper…

Homestead Kitchen Essentials from Amazon

What I love the most about DIY is it tru­ly can become a way of life. There are ways to incor­po­rate do it your self projects in every space in your home and this is a lifestyle that the ear­li­er gen­er­a­tions knew all to well.  There is both a chal­lenge and ful­fill­ment in doing things your­self…

Patriotic Wood Block Decor

There is noth­ing much more prim­i­tive than chunky wood block decor. I have always been drawn to the prim­itve patri­ot­ic look. Not only are they cute but these blocks are about as easy as it gets. Sup­plies 2x4 blocks cut as fol­lows (7″, 5″, 5″, 4″, 3.5″) PURCHASE PRECUT SET HERE stain book pages or craft paper  mod…

Easy Wood Block Flag Banner

This project was inspired by THIS ONE I made last year. I decid­ed to try my hand at cre­at­ing some­thing with a more prim­i­tive look. Prim­i­tive and clas­sic has always been my favorite theme for sum­mer hol­i­days. There just seems to be a lot of nos­tal­gia dur­ing the warmer months.  Prim­i­tives usu­al­ly have dark­er shades…

Easy Wood Block American Flag

I have always want­ed to dec­o­rate for patri­ot­ic hol­i­days and this year I am get­ting a head start on mak­ing some cute lit­tle addi­tions for my decor. The prim­i­tive look wears well with red, white and blue and what bet­ter way to get that rus­tic look than with wood blocks. These are the sizes we…

How to Clean and Season Cast Iron

Good ole cast iron. There real­ly is no oth­er way to cook and sea­son your food the old fash­ioned way. Grow­ing up I remem­ber mom say­ing the same thing. She had a col­lec­tion of cast iron from all over, and she still has my Grannie’s from years and years ago. I remem­ber cook­ing over an…