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Rustic Bunny Decor Project You Can Make

Have I men­tioned that I love wood projects? Well if you’re new here and don’t already know, wood crafts are my fave! I recent­ly made this adorable rus­tic bun­ny decor with a few pieces of wood sal­vaged from a barn near­by and a lit­tle bun­ny cut out. These are the pieces I start­ed this project with.…

How to build a Vintage Wooden Toolbox

One of my very favorite things to do is to build and craft my own decor for my home. I recent­ly was able to extend this love to mem­bers of my pri­vate Wood­shop Mem­bers where we built a dec­o­ra­tive, vin­tage wood­en toolbox.  This mem­ber­ship is designed specif­i­cal­ly for cre­atives who want to make qual­i­ty wood…

Easy Wood Planter Box

Ok, so have you ever tried the oui fresh yogurt? That stuff is seri­ous­ly amaz­ing!!! PLUS…for us DIY­ers they come in the cutest lit­tle glass jars ever­rr! This easy yogurt jar wood planter box is PERFECT for those lit­tle cuties. They are seri­ous­ly too cute to just throw away! I decid­ed on a whim that I…

Thrift Store Curtain Rod Wall Hanging

Y’all would­n’t believe that this beau­ti­ful piece start­ed out as a 50 cent thrift store cur­tain rod. The beau­ti­ful finials on the ends are what caught my atten­tion as I round­ed the cor­ner, and I quite pos­si­ble heard angels singing in the back­ground. Ok, maybe I’m being just a tad bit dra­mat­ic but you get…

Easy Old Canvas Decor Makeover

Do you have an old piece of decor that has seen a bet­ter day, or maybe, if you’re like me, it just does­n’t match your cur­rent style. I have held on to this can­vas for year­rrrs. Lit­er­al­ly. Because I knew one day I want­ed to give it a makeover.  This easy old can­vas makeover will…

How to Rust Metal Using Cinnamon

Y’all this is one of those lit­tle tips I wish I had know a loooong time ago. Once you see how easy it is to rust met­al using cin­na­mon, it will knock your socks off. And I have to warn you, after try­ing this lit­tle trick to mak­ing met­al look rusty, EVER-E-THING is gonna be…

Neutral Valentine’s Day Wood Blocks

It’s no secret that wood block crafts are my absolute favorite thing to craft! These sim­ple Valen­tine’s Day wood blocks are the per­fect addi­tion to my already neu­tral decor. They give the per­fect hint of romance with­out clash­ing with my every day decor, and that is exact­ly how I like it. I have nev­er been much…

Valentine Gnome: Video Tutorial

You would nev­er know it now but this adorable lit­tle Valen­tine Gnome began as a Dol­lar Tree tin­sel tree! Every once in a while, it’s fun to go strolling the isles at the dol­lar stores in search for a few unex­pect­ed crafty items! This is how this fun lit­tle Valen­tine Gnome was born. What shall we…

10 Minute Wood Block Picture Holder

This lit­tle wood block project is one that is sure to make you smile. Not only is this wood block pic­ture hold­er absolute­ly ah-dorable, it is so so stinkin easy to make! Scrap wood can be so handy to have around if you have home ren­o­va­tions or in our case, projects around the home­stead. It’s easy…

How to Make a Dollar Tree Sled

Mak­ing this Dol­lar Tree Sled was a super fun and cre­ative way to cre­ate some­thing using Dol­lar Tree sup­plies. Typ­i­cal­ly, I use lit­tle embell­ish­ments and some­times rib­bon for my larg­er DIY’s but this time was different.  I made this lit­tle sled using MOSTLY DT sup­plies, but keep in mind you can find your sup­plies from…