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PERKS FOR JOINING… UNIQUE DIY DECOR deliv­ered to your door HASSLE FREE STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS VIP ACCESS to projects and Face­book Group FREE SHIPPING on all DIY projects and home decor PAST PROJECTS 1.SELECT YOUR BOX Select your sub­scrip­tion. Pause or make changes at any­time from your cus­tomer portal. 2.RECEIVE YOUR PROJECT Box­es ship the last week of every month,…

Craft Wood Club

Hey, Sis­ter! Ready for Deep­er Con­nec­tions and Divine Cre­ativ­i­ty? Wel­come Home to The Craft Wood Club! Hey there, soul sis­ter! Are you crav­ing some­thing more mean­ing­ful in your life? A con­nec­tion that goes beyond the sur­face? Well, pull up a chair and get cozy because you’ve just stum­bled upon some­thing tru­ly special. Craft­ing + Con­nec­tion: Let’s…

How to Make Orange Slice Ornaments

Y’all I’m not entire­ly sure why it has tak­en me so long to make these adorable orange slice orna­ments but here we are! I final­ly did it and now I am look­ing for every lit­tle rea­son to dehy­drate some oranges! I am obsessed with the old fash­ioned, nat­ur­al homey feel that these lit­tle slices add…

Soap Pump Makeover

We recent­ly opened up our new home decor shoppe and I knew after open­ing week­end that I would need a cute way to pro­vide hand san­i­tiz­er at the check­out. That is when I thought of this soap pump makeover! I found the cutest glass soap pump for $1 with a hob­nail pat­tern that I could­n’t…

Christmas Tree Makeover using SnoFlock

This week I had the plea­sure of team­ing up with Seasons Reflec­tions for a fun Christ­mas Tree Makeover using their advanced Snow Flock­ing pow­der! Not only is it super sim­ple to use but it can trans­form any Christ­mas tree in minutes! So I found this super cute tree at a local thrift store for only…

Textured Wood Block Christmas Tree Using Sand Paint

I recently have been loving this DIY sand paint recipe! Not only does it provided superior coverage but it also leaves behind a nice texture on most any surface.  Here is what you need! 3 scoops Plas­ter of Paris 2 scoops or small craft tube of paint 1 scoop of Sand wood block Christ­mas tree craft kit All you real­ly…

How to Style a Dough Bowl with Faux Wildflowers

Dough bowl decor is super trendy right now! If you have one at home and you’ve been struggling with how to style it, this is for you! Recent­ly, I was asked to cre­ate an arrange­ment for a friend so I reached for an (emp­ty dough bowl can­dle) cleaned up the left­over wax, and start­ed to work…

How to Make a Dollar Tree Pumpkin Topiary

I have done plen­ty of DIY’s with Dol­lar Tree pump­kins over the years, but this Dol­lar Tree Pump­kin Top­i­ary is my favorite.  Supplies needed for a Dollar Tree Pumpkin Topiary 2 Dol­lar Tree pump­kins of dif­fer­ent sizes Span­ish Moss Paint Col­ors of choice I am use a rust and iron and Waver­ly Plas­ter White Uphol­stery tacks or thumb­tacks…

Easy Tart Pan Makeover from the Thrift Store

Every week I try to take some time to myself and do a lit­tle bit of craft­ing and DIY’ing. This week I decid­ed to share this adorable tart pan makeover. Not only was the process was incred­i­bly sim­ple but also incred­i­bly affordable.  It all began with a quick trip to the thrift store last week.…

Thrift Store Decor Finds: Taking a “You” Day

Yes­ter­day, I took some­what of a “per­son­al” day and decid­ed to step away from the com­put­er and go on a hunt for thrift store decor. Brows­ing the isles and search­ing for mis­placed trea­sures is seri­ous­ly one of my very favorite ways to pass time. That’s the thing about thrift­ing, or just stop­ping in on a…