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Get the Weathered Paint Look in 3 Easy Steps

Avid DIY’ers and crafters know what it’s like to acci­den­tal­ly dis­cov­er a tech­nique. That was def­i­nite­ly the case for this weath­ered paint look I used on the DIY gar­den ter­rar­i­um. Real­ly it was impa­tience and my messy craft­ing habits that led to the dis­cov­ery of this tech­nique, but it real­ly did work out in my favor.…

“Patriotic Cottage” Craft Kit Collection

I am so so excit­ed to be bring­ing craft kits back to the farm! We offered projects a cou­ple years back when we were just get­ting start­ed, and some­how drift­ed away from offer­ing them. Now that we have moved our busi­ness back to the farm, it only seemed fit­ting that we bring back one of…

Style a Wood Planter Box 3 Different Ways

Last month I was able to send a Wood Planter Box as the month­ly DIY Decor Project to sub­scribers all across the coun­try! Each box is packed with every­thing need­ed to make some­thing beau­ti­ful for your home includ­ing what you need to try a new fin­ish­ing tech­nique and tips for styling. You can see a…

Distressing a New Wood Planter Box

I recent­ly had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to share this adorable wood planter box and a fun new age­ing tech­nique with the sub­scribers of the DIY Decor Box. Each mem­ber receives a DIY project in the mail each month that they then get to craft and style for their own home decor!  In addi­tion to send­ing the box­es,…

Rustic Coffee Table Decor for Spring

Styling cof­fee tables has become one of my favorite ways to quick­ly change up my decor for dif­fer­ent sea­sons or occa­sions. Late­ly I have been mak­ing a lot of new DIY decor pieces from the DIY DECOR BOX and I was so excit­ed to see them all come togeth­er so beau­ti­ful­ly as my cof­fee table…

How to Style Bird Cage for Spring

We have these amaz­ing lit­tle rustic bird cages in our shoppe, Roost and Restore Home, and I had so much fun styling this baby up for Spring! I decid­ed it would be best for me to share some of my per­son­al tips on how to style a bird cage for Spring! I know some­times we…

St. Patrick’s Day Cloche Decor

I have to admit I have nev­er dec­o­rat­ed for St. Pat­ty’s Day. Nor have I ever craft­ed for it but I got up the urge to make some­thing super cute to style in one of our beau­ti­ful cloches we have in store and I am telling ya. I think I might have just changed my…

Simple Spring Garden Tool Decor

Do you ever pick some­thing up at the store, think ooooh I could make some­thing cute with this, throw it i your shop­ping cart only to stash it away in your craft clos­et? Good. I knew I could­n’t be the only one. That was me about 3 years ago with the cutest lit­tle set of…

Cute Bud Vase Using A Thrift Store Frame

Hey y’all! It’s me again with anoth­er great thrift store makeover idea! These are my absolute favorite kind of craft projects. Whether you’re a sea­soned crafter or just get­ting start­ed with your new hob­by or maybe you just like to make some­thing every once in a while. Either way, start­ing with a pic­ture frame is…

Simple Snowflake Picture Frame Under $5

Dec­o­rat­ing after Christ­mas can be a chal­lenge but I love the vibes of this sim­ple snowflake pic­ture frame. I have plen­ty of ideas here on the blog for after-Christ­mas decor and I can assure you this snowflake pic­ture frame will be mak­ing the list along with some of my oth­er faves. And the best part.…it…