• Cooking - Kitchen

    Easy Biscuit Recipe Using 3 Ingredients

    I have nev­er been able to mas­ter a easy bis­cuit recipe until I made the switch to self-ris­ing flour. Mama always told me to make the switch and for some stub­born rea­son of mine I felt like I was cheat­ing. I know, I know. It seems sil­ly but I was con­vinced. But I am here to say I was so wrong and this 3 ingre­di­ent bis­cuit recipe is to show for it. If you want the EASIEST and TASTIEST bis­cuit you ever put in your mouth then look no further. -PIN FOR LATER-

  • Cooking

    Simple Snowball Butter Cookies

    These lit­tle snow­ball but­ter cook­ies will lit­er­al­ly melt in your mouth. They are soft, dust­ed in a coat of pow­dered sug­ar and are just the right blend of sweet and buttery. Their tex­ture is real­ly hard to com­pare to oth­er hol­i­day cook­ies, but what I can say is, if you like a clas­sic hol­i­day but­ter cook­ie then you will LOVE these snow­ball cook­ies. My hub­by and kid­dos could hard­ly keep their lit­tle hands out of them. They are a bit messy to eat but I like to think that just adds to the enjoy­ment. See­ing the lit­tle crumb trails and…

  • Cooking

    How to Make Fresh Squeezed Country Lemonade

    There is sim­ply noth­ing like Fresh Squeezed Coun­try Lemon­ade in the Sum­mer time. I pairs well with a hot day by the pool or after weed­ing the gar­den in the scorch­ing Sum­mer heat. It’s refresh­ing in a light and cool­ing way and if you have nev­er had it fresh squeezed then you’re in for a real treat. You may nev­er go back to Coun­try Time again!  Lemon­ade can be served in a vari­ety of ways. Warm lemon­ade served with raw local hon­ey can help ease chest con­ges­tion and may also help soothe a sore throat and stuffy nose. This is a good tip…

  • Cooking - Decor + Styling

    Old-Fashioned Homemaking and Simple DIY Living

    Old-fash­ioned home­mak­ing and sim­ple DIY Liv­ing isn’t all about being a stay at home mom, although, that cer­tain­ly is a big part of my per­son­al expe­ri­ence. Rather is is about embrac­ing a slow­er paced and inten­tion­al­ly sim­ple lifestyle. Back in the day this type of lifestyle was the stan­dard way of liv­ing. Today, no so much. I am on a mis­sion to help women embrace this lifestyle and to encour­age them that it is pos­si­ble in today’s world. Women of all ages should feel con­fi­dent in nutur­ing their home and spaces in a way that feels wholesome.  “I am begin­ning…

  • Cooking

    Beautiful + Functional Raised Garden Beds

    There are plen­ty of rea­sons to choose raised gar­den beds over tra­di­tion­al plant­i­ng. They are eas­i­er to weed and main­tain, plus they make gar­den­ing look orga­nized and beau­ti­ful. This year, like years before, we are chos­ing to raise our beds bly.ut I am approach­ing things a bit different This year I am excit­ed to have my own kitchen gar­den which will con­sist of a 14x14’ space and four 3x5’ beds. Even­tu­al­ly I have dreams of a white pick­et perime­ter fence with an arched entry­way. Com­plete with riv­er rock, an assort­ment of pot­ted herbs and flow­ers around the perime­ter. Yes I…

  • Cooking

    Mama’s Old Fashioned Corn Bread

    This is a fam­i­ly recipe hand­ed down from my great grand­moth­er, known as Memaw. She died not long after I was born in 1993 but her cook­ing style and recipes have been passed down through the gen­er­a­tion and now I am shar­ing with you. I have nev­er seen this par­tic­u­lar recipe writ­ten down on paper and it has been made for years only by mem­o­ry. These are usu­al­ly the best ones, amiright? THERE IS PLENTY MORE WHERE THIS CAME FROM GRAB MY FAVORITE SOUTHERN SWEET TEA RECIPE HERE! PS…IT GOES GREAT WITH CORNBREAD.  I hope you enjoy this whole­some, old…

  • Cooking

    Banana Bread with Maple Syrup

    Bak­ing goods for break­fast seems to be a trend around here at the home­stead. A few weeks ago I made AMISH CINNAMON SWIRL BREAD and this morn­ing we shared a warm loaf of Clas­sic Banana Bread (with a twist). I am excit­ed to share this recipe for your to enjoy in your kitchens. This is a recipes I have used for years but with a sur­pris­ing twist. We are omit­ing the Pure Vanil­la Extract and replac­ing it with Maple Syrup. Yep…syrup! This was an acci­den­tal dis­cov­ery actu­al­ly. I set out to make the bread the tra­di­tion­al way and found out…

  • Cooking

    Summer Pineapple Pie

    Today I plan to make up a sum­mer pineap­ple pie and let me tell you if you/re look­ing for a last minute sum­mery treat to whip up for the fam­i­ly or a last minute get togeth­er this is for you! Sum­mer brings peo­ple togeth­er on back patios for back­yard BBQ’s and swim par­ties for the lit­tles, all accom­pa­nied by amaz­ing foods and a good fruity sal­ad or oth­er fruit treats lay­ered with whipped top­pings. This is def­i­nite­ly one of those treats that will have peo­ple com­ing back to the table for more. It’s fruity, light, cool and mouth-watering Ingredients 2 tbsp sugar…

  • Cooking

    Sweet Southern Sun Tea

    Hon­est­ly I don’t remem­ber hav­ing a whole lot­ta sun tea grow­ing up. In fact, it was a on going joke that my mom could­n’t make good tea. She always seemed to scald it on the stove and it had a burnt taste. She was even gift­ed a fan­cy tea mak­er one year for Christ­mas which did help.…buuuut when it quit work­ing she all but quit mak­ing tea.  I start­ed mak­ing tea again about 7 years ago when Josh and I were first mar­ried. Tea for this gal is best served cold and sweeeet. South­ern style I guess you could say. And…

  • Cooking

    Amish Cinnamon Swirl Bread

    I made this recipe for the first time this morn­ing. Sun­day’s are typ­i­cal­ly crazy in our house. Rush­ing for show­ers and get­ting ready for church. Due to the cur­rent quar­an­tine we watched church from home and kept our social dis­tance but y’all, can I just say, no amount of social dis­tance should keep you from shar­ing this amaz­ing melt in your mouth recipe with your fam­i­ly and friends.  Speak­ing of fam­i­ly, I am hap­py to have had my great grand­moth­ers loaf pans hand­ed down to me. Every­time I use them I can’t help but won­der what all she made with…