• Decor - DIY Projects

    DIY Wood Plank Bunny

    From time to time an idea comes to me and it feels too sim­ple to be true. That is exact­ly how I felt when I fin­ished this craft. This wood plank bun­ny start­ed with this sim­ple white­wash pal­let plank from Wal­mart, how­ev­er a sim­i­lar look could be achieved with a piece of scrap wood or even card­board. If you’re like me, you might already have one of these handy lit­tle things in your craft stash. Grab it for this quick and cute Spring project. Ok so first things first, I made some whiskers for my wood blank bun­ny using 16…

  • Christmas - Decor - DIY Projects

    DIY Charcuterie Board Ornament

    I picked up this pack of 2 mini char­cu­terie boards from the Tar­get Dol­lar spot back in the Spring not real­ly know­ing what I had planned for them. Hon­est­ly they end­ed up pushed to the back of my craft stash only to reemerge when I was rum­mag­ing through my Christ­mas craft sup­plies. I pulled them out and rec­og­nized, for the first time, that they had the per­fect lit­tle orna­ment shape! Thus, the DIY char­cu­terie board orna­ment idea was born. After grab­bing a few more sup­plies from stash, I was ready to get crafty. I have includ­ed a list and Ama­zon affil­i­ate…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    10 Vintage July 4th Decor Ideas

    I have gath­ered a col­lec­tion of some beau­ti­ful Vin­tage July 4th decor ideas and DIYs for your inspi­ra­tion this hol­i­day. is such a nos­tal­gia that comes with Inde­pen­dence Day. Each and every year the cel­e­bra­tions, and the decor around town and around the house have me reliv­ing mem­o­ries from my child­hood. I real­ly feel like it’s because of this that I espe­cial­ly love the vin­tage looks this time of year. Pil­lows are a favorite decor sta­ple and can quick­ly change the feel of a room. Mix­ing small and large pat­terns in coor­di­nat­ing col­ors brought this out­door seat­ing togeth­er beautifully. Some­times all…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling - DIY Projects

    No Sew Patriotic Pillow from A Dollar Tree Chair Cover

    I am con­tin­u­al­ly look­ing for rea­sons to vis­it the Dol­lar Tree…well who am I kid­ding I don’t need a rea­son. But yes­ter­day I just had the urge to craft and cre­ate some­thing. Do you know the feel­ing? I walked in to the store with a plan to find sup­plies to cre­ate a wreath and came out with this Dol­lar Tree chair cov­er and an idea for a patri­ot­ic pillow. SUPPLIES -Dol­lar Tree Chair Cover -Antique Wax by Waverly -Old Pil­low or Polyfil -Hot Glue + Gun -Scis­sors -Jute Twine (option­al) I have the video tuto­r­i­al ready for you on Face­book if you would…

  • Decor

    The New Craft Wood Club Topper and Base

    I am so excit­ed to intro­duced the newest ver­sion of The Craft Wood Club! For the first time ever your crafty decor can now be inter­change­able with the Craft wood club top­per and base! Each mem­ber will now have the option to make their craft wood into an inter­change­able top­per to put on dis­play each month! Here is how the top­pers work… Every new mem­ber will receive a base with their first order along with that months EXCLUSIVE Craft Wood Top­per. Here is an exam­ple of what you will receive in your package. Each kit will now include an option­al adapter OR…

  • Decor - DIY Projects

    Dollar Tree Easter DIY Under $10

    Y’all it has been a hot minute since I have mus­tered up enough time and cre­ativ­i­ty to come up with some­thing cre­ative, much less write about it. I thought there was no bet­ter way to get back in the game than a good ole Dol­lar Tree East­er DIY. I real­ize many Dol­lar Tree loca­tions have dif­fer­ent assort­ments of sup­plies but hope­ful­ly you can take this tuto­r­i­al, and allow it to inspire you to cre­ate your own ver­sion. What­ev­er that may look like. I am pro­vid­ing a list of the sup­plies I used for ref­er­ence when plan­ning your own project. Begin your…

  • Decor - DIY Projects - Scrap Wood Projects

    Dollar Tree Tile Textured Turkey

    Every month I have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to craft with some of my favorite friends over on Face­book using the project from the Craft Wood Club. This month I sent the cutest turkey cutout and showed them how to tex­ture it using a Dol­lar Tree Tile. What I love most about this month­ly mem­ber­ship is the cre­ative free­dom with qual­i­ty wood pieces it provides. So whether you’re like me and using a Dol­lar Tree tile to add tex­ture or you want to try a dif­fer­ent tech­nique, you have the per­fect lit­tle wood­en can­vas to cre­ate with! For starters I peeled away the…

  • Decor

    Haunted Graves Halloween Celebrations

    I love my home­town of May­field, KY. To an out­sider there may not be much to the eye oth­er than a cou­ple mom and pop restau­rants and the chat­ter of the cross town foot­ball team rivals and most recent­ly, the scar on a lit­tle KY town dev­as­tat­ed by an EF4 tor­na­do on Decem­ber 10, 202. I think we can all agree that there real­ly is so much more to the small towns we call home. Since the dev­as­ta­tion of that night, our com­mu­ni­ty has ral­lied togeth­er like nev­er before. With our his­toric cour­t­house flat­tened and the blue­print of our town bare­ly…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling - DIY Projects

    Maple Leaf Dollar Tree Makeover

    It’s been a while since I shared a good ole Dol­lar Tree makeover. I espe­cial­ly love when the makeovers are as sim­ple as this one. I grabbed up a cou­ple bun­dles of these maple leaves right when all of the fall decor start­ed hit­ting the shelves at the begin­ning of the season. I had some gold metal­lic spray paint on hand for anoth­er project I had planned and decid­ed it would be the per­fect touch for these cheap lit­tle maple leaves. I like to keep this col­or on stand­by for all types of makeovers. It’s time­less and so chic. I made…

  • Decor - DIY Projects - Scrap Wood Projects

    DIY Barn Wood Pumpkin Decor

    I am cur­rent­ly obsess­ing over this DIY barn wood pump­kin decor. Each of our scrap wood mys­tery box sub­scribers received 2 of these pump­kin cutouts sourced from reclaimed barn­wood right here from my farm. We offer these projects as a quar­ter­ly sea­son­al sub­scrip­tion so cre­atives have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make beau­ti­ful decor from reclaimed wood.  This is project two of three in the Fall Scrap Wood Mys­tery Box but I can say that the shape is easy enough to sketch out on some scrap wood and cut using a band­saw or jig saw. One day soon I will get a…