DIY Riser from the Craft Wood Club

We recent­ly launched a brand new mem­ber­ship we like to call the Craft Wood Club! Mem­bers receive a hand cut wood piece to craft with at the begin­ning of each month. This month we are send­ing this super cute shape and I decid­ed it was per­fect for mak­ing a DIY riser!  I began by paint­ing my…

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Easy Pom Pom Throw Blanket DIY

This mon­th’s DIY Decor Box boast­ed this super fun and easy pom pom throw blan­ket DIY. Each of our sub­scribers received every­thing they need­ed in their box to be able to craft their own unique throw blan­ket for their home. You can see a full descrip­tion of the con­tents of the JULY DIY Decor Box…

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Hand-Cut Rustic Christmas Wood Projects

It may been 100 and heck degrees out­side but we have been all out Christ­mas in July this week at the shoppe! It felt so good to get on the saws and let my cre­ativ­i­ty come to light. You all LOVED the kits so much I was able to part­ner up with a local Amish…

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10 Dried Flower DIY Ideas

Dried flower DIY’s are all over Pin­ter­est! It makes com­plete sense because those blooms are just way too pret­ty to watch wilt then toss! I have a few beau­ti­ful and hope­ful­ly inspi­ra­tional ways you can res­cue those pret­ty botan­i­cals to keep in your home for a bit longer! Each of these dried flower DIY ideas…

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Thrifted Bookend Makeover with Quikrete

A cou­ple weeks ago I grabbed these hefty book­ends at a yard sale for $3. Real­ly the whole day of hunt­ing was a bust but find­ing these beau­ties turned the day around! That real­ly is the joy in thrift­ing and hunt­ing for those unique items. I hope this thrift­ed book­end makeover will inspire you on…

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Rustic Patriotic DIY Decor

I had so much fun curat­ing this Rus­tic Patri­ot­ic DIY Decor with my friends over on Face­book. Lov­ing on these ladies through online fel­low­ship and craft­ing is one of the many bless­ing of hav­ing a DIY and dec­o­rat­ing busi­ness. I shared my per­son­al spin on each of 3 hand cut wood craft kits to inspire…

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Style a Wood Planter Box 3 Different Ways

Last month I was able to send a Wood Planter Box as the month­ly DIY Decor Project to sub­scribers all across the coun­try! Each box is packed with every­thing need­ed to make some­thing beau­ti­ful for your home includ­ing what you need to try a new fin­ish­ing tech­nique and tips for styling. You can see a…

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Distressing a New Wood Planter Box

I recent­ly had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to share this adorable wood planter box and a fun new age­ing tech­nique with the sub­scribers of the DIY Decor Box. Each mem­ber receives a DIY project in the mail each month that they then get to craft and style for their own home decor!  In addi­tion to send­ing the box­es,…

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Easy Methods for Bleaching Wood Furniture

Bleach­ing wood fur­ni­ture is not a new con­cept but it is def­i­nite­ly trend­ing in home decor right now. Sim­ply put it’s just a process for light­en­ing wood. I cre­ates that beau­ti­ful, blonde type vibe that can eas­i­ly be mixed into rus­tic decor, mod­ern aes­thet­ics and every­thing in between.  I am espe­cial­ly fond of it bring­ing…

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DIY Jumbo Tulip Porch Decor

A few weeks ago I grabbed up these cute met­al tulip shapes from my local Dol­lar Store and knew I need­ed to make some­thing cute…what exact­ly? Well, a crafter nev­er real­ly knows but my heart end­ed up lead­ing me to cre­ate the most adorable jum­bo tulip porch decor! SUPPLIES Met­al tulip cutouts from Dol­lar Tree Scrap­book paper…

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