• Decor - DIY Projects

    How to Make Rustic Wood Peg Ornaments

    These DIY wood peg orna­ments are the per­fect lit­tle rus­tic touch for your Christ­mas tree! Not only are they sim­ple and rus­tic, but these wood peg orna­ments are so incred­i­bly easy!  I was for­tu­nate to be gift­ed these lit­tle pegs but but I have linked them in the sup­ply list below for your convivence. What supplies do I need? Wood Pegs Antiquing Glaze Rib­bon and embell­ish­ments of choice Jute Twine How to make Rustic Wood Peg Ornaments  You can con­tin­ue these steps list­ed above, alter­ing fab­rics, bows and tex­tures to make an assort­ment of adorably rus­tic wood peg ornaments. I just love…

  • Decor

    Easy Scrap Wood Halloween Decor

    This easy scrap wood Hal­loween decor is so sim­ple and so fun! Every once in a while I like to throw in a cute project that you can get the kids involved in and this is def­i­nite­ly one of them.  Scrap wood is cheap and so ver­sa­tile when it comes to craft­ing. But I also under­stand not every­one is able to get their hands on pieces like the one I use in this project. That is why I cre­at­ed the Scrap Wood Project Box. It’s a sub­scrip­tion box of curat­ed scrap wood projects that you can have deliv­ered straight to your…

  • DIY Projects - Scrap Wood Projects

    10 Rustic Fall Scrap Wood Projects

    Lit­er­al­ly Pin­ter­est is chocked full of Fall Scrap Wood Projects right now. And not just Fall, but there are so many amaz­ing scrap wood projects for your rus­tic home decor. One of my favorite things to do is to take a piece of scrap, des­tined for the garbage, and turn it into some­thing beau­ti­ful and use­ful for my home. But here is my con­fes­sion. I used to let all of those glo­ri­ous ideas stack high­er and high­er in my Pin­ter­est boards with­out any real inten­tion of drag­ging out my saw and tools. By the time I actu­al­ly find the time to…

  • Decor

    A Brief History of American Barn Quilts

    A few days ago I was hand­ed a box of scrap wood. lit­er­al­ly. A small box full of left over pieces from a col­lab­o­ra­tion for the SCRAP WOOD MYSTERY BOX and was chal­lenged to see if I could come up with a way to make use of them. Imme­di­ate­ly a barn quilt came to mind, and I knew I would try to recre­ate the beau­ty and cul­ture behind this Amer­i­can coun­try sta­ple. It came from a sim­ple sug­ges­tion to think out­side of the box…pun intend­ed. I hope to encour­age you to do the same before you toss some­thing to the…

  • DIY Projects - Scrap Wood Projects

    How to Make a Scrap Wood Christmas Tree Sign

    For this Scrap Wood Christ­mas Tree Sign we are using one of the patent pend­ing Roost and Restore Nest­ing Box­es which you can read about here. They are also, avail­able to pur­chase if you wish to make you own inter­change­able sign. The fun part about these Nest­ing Box­es is they are inter­change­able and pro­vide THE per­fect base for all you home made sig­nage. Sim­ply pur­chase the frame, dec­o­rate your inserts and change them out for the seasons!  If you’re like me, then you love mak­ing décor for your home. Not just cute lit­tle crafts here and there but true, qual­i­ty…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    DIY Scrap Wood Fall Sign

    I love a good scrap wood project, and this Scrap Wood Fall Sign does not dis­ap­point! There real­ly isn’t much you can’t do with a good piece of scrap wood. If you don’t have the lux­u­ry of hav­ing wood easy to access I have curat­ed an amaz­ing Scrap Wood Box Sub­scrip­tion that deliv­ers 3 or more scrap wood projects right to your door! Sav­ing and for­get­ting those amaz­ing ideas on Pin­ter­est is now a thing of the past. Turn your awe­some ideas into beau­ti­ful pieces of rus­tic decor for your home!  Instructions: It all start­ed here, with this plain ole piece…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    DIY Farmhouse Riser from Baseball Nubs

    This project has been months in the mak­ing. In order for you to appre­ci­ate this project I have to share a lit­tle back story. A few months ago I was asked to present a project at a live craft­ing event host­ed by Brooke Riley from Re-fabbed. I knew I want­ed to teach the ladies to make a farm­house ris­er. Fast for­ward a cou­ple weeks and I was tour­ing the Louisville Slug­ger Muse­um and Fac­to­ry in Louisville, KY. At the end of our tour we were encour­aged to take home a “nub” as a sou­venir. These nubs were cut off the ends…