How to Make a Scrap Wood Christmas Tree Sign

For this Scrap Wood Christ­mas Tree Sign we are using one of the patent pend­ing Roost and Restore Nest­ing Box­es which you can read about here. They are also, avail­able to pur­chase if you wish to make you own inter­change­able sign. The fun part about these Nest­ing Box­es is they are inter­change­able and pro­vide THE per­fect base for all you home made sig­nage. Sim­ply pur­chase the frame, dec­o­rate your inserts and change them out for the seasons! 

If you’re like me, then you love mak­ing décor for your home. Not just cute lit­tle crafts here and there but true, qual­i­ty décor using upcy­cled items or even scrap wood. This project checks all my box­es in regards to build­ing some­thing beau­ti­ful for my home. 



wood block chrismas tree

Start by stain­ing or paint­ing your Nest­ing Box to suit the style or theme you wish to con­vey. Clas­sic stain and white craft paint gives this sign all the rus­tic Christ­mas vibes.

white shiplap board and paintbrush
whote shiplap sign with brown frame

Next, cov­er your scrap blocks (mine are cute at 6″,5″,4″,3″,2″) with scrap­book paper and mod podge. This step can be mod­i­fied how ever you like. If you would rather paint your scrap wood block tree that feel free to do so! Just cus­tomize your look!

Once the blocks are dry, use a sand­ing block to dis­tress the edges. This adds to the rus­tic feel of this sign.

mod podge with scrapwood block
wood block one craft table with craft paper
wood block distressed with sanding block

Once you have your blocks ready, sim­ply hot glue them, hap­haz­ard­ly to the insert of the Nest­ing Box and embell­ish as desired. The mix­ing of pat­terns is what I think makes this tree so stink­ing cute! What do you think? I mean, why chose one pat­tern when you can have them all! 

wood block tree covered in scfapbook paper
nesting box fram and insert with sxcrapwood christmas tree

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Jeri Cleveland says:

I absolute­ly love this project! I think your nest­ing box­es are inge­nious, too! What size nest­ing box did you use for this project?

Thank you so much! This is NEst­ing Box Frame A from my website

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