Video:Nesting Box Interchangeable Signs

Recent­ly, I came up with a design idea for a unique inter­change­able sign, which I named the “Nest­ing Box” peo­ple could cus­tomize and use in their homes. The con­cept of the Nest­ing box is quite sim­ple. It looks like a nor­mal table top sign but in fact it is much more. You get to chose your com­po­nents, and we ship them direct­ly to you! You will receive your sign unfin­ished and ready dec­o­rate. It’s that sim­ple, and the best part of the entire design? It can be changed out at any time. 

For easy inter­change­abil­i­ty, we designed the back­ing using 1/8″ hard­board with a pre­cut 2″ cir­cle so your inserts can eailiy be removed with a push of the thumb. 

The inserts are adhered with Vel­cro dots in each cor­ner. The adhe­sive place­ment is con­sis­tent with our frames, which we map on our web­site, so you nev­er have to wor­ry about mis­matched place­ment and/or mis­fits. Instead you can focus on craft­ing your own unique decor and be excit­ed to put it on display.

Has the sea­son come and gone and you’re ready to change up your décor with­out break­ing the bank? Sim­ply switch your insert! We are work­ing to expand our pat­terns, shapes and designs so you can eas­i­ly cre­ate the per­fect box for your space! 

How to build an interchangeable sign

There are 3 basic ele­ments to a Nest­ing Box Inter­change­able Sign. What makes them unique is the abil­i­ty to cus­tomize and eas­i­ly change out from sea­son to season! 

1. Frame

We offer a selec­tion of frames in dif­fer­ent sizes and are work­ing to expand options for our cus­tomers to include reclaimed wood, spin­dles, sal­vaged items and more! 

nesting box frame and insert

2. Insert

This is the most impor­tant part of your Nest­ing Box ™ From shiplap, bead­board, her­ring­bone and more you can make this box your very own! It comes unfin­ished and ready for paint, stain, mod podge and more! 

3. Add On

We are cur­rent­ly work­ing on releas­ing sea­son­al col­lec­tions for add ons. These are the lit­tle ele­ments that make your Nest­ing Box even more unique and cus­tomized! From shapes and sil­hou­ettes to scrap wood I am pos­i­tive you will find an add on just for you! 

What can I make with an interchangeable sign?

nesting box fram and insert with sxcrapwood christmas tree
farmhouse cow interchangeable sign

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1 comment

[…] this Scrap Wood Christ­mas Tree Sign we are using one of the Roost and Restore Nest­ing Box­es which you can read about here. They are also, avail­able to pur… The fun part about these Nest­ing Box­es is they are inter­change­able and pro­vide THE […]

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