Search Results for: diy

  • Decor - Decor + Styling - DIY Projects

    DIY Christmas Decor Using an Old Canvas

    This week I kicked off with some Christ­mas craft­ing. Every Mon­day I go LIVE on Face­book to share a fun makeover idea and this week DIY Christ­mas decor is just what I need­ed to get the week started! I grabbed a can­vas for $1.99 at the local Good­will, removed the dat­ed can­vas image to reveal a cute, chunky wood­en frame. You can see what this frame looked like before on the Face­book replay. After remov­ing the can­vas I sim­ply stained the frame, attached some super cute pol­ka dot rib­bon, embell­ished with some sim­ple green picks from Wal­mart and thid DIY…

  • Decor - DIY Projects

    DIY Halloween Mummy Vase

    If you know me, then you know neutral is to my decor like peanut butter to jelly, the stuffed crust to my pizza.… they just go together! Ha! And y’all this DIY Halloween mummy vase is no exception!  Every Mon­day I go live on Face­book shar­ing a makeover idea for your home. From thrift store flips, Dol­lar Tree Makeovers and all the DIY projects in between, I share it over there every sin­gle Mon­day! You can watch this week Makeover Mon­day: DIY Hal­loween Mum­my vase Video Tuto­r­i­al now! Supplies Glass vase Gauze Goo­gly Eyes Hot Glue + Gun This was lit­er­al­ly the EASIEST…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling - DIY Projects

    Makeover Monday : French Farmhouse DIY Urn

    I feel like I have been on a roll at the thrift store late­ly. This thrift store urn caught my atten­tion right away with its French Farm­house DIY vibes. I paid a whop­ping 25 cents for this lit­tle piece with BIG poten­tial among some oth­er great thrifty decor finds from that day! The next time you’re out thrift­ing or maybe you find your­self pump­ing the breaks for a yard sale, keep this lit­tle urn in mind. This is one of those pieces with “good bones.” The shape, the texture…all the things are right but it just needs a lii­i­i­itle some­thing. That’s…

  • Decor

    Neutral Scrap Wood Pumpkin DIY

    I bet you have all the items on hand to make these beau­ti­ful neu­tral scrap wood pump­kin diy! This time of year every time I come across a piece of scrap wood I am dream­ing up ways to turn it into a pump­kin. In fact, I have a slew of scrap wood projects on the blog for all sea­sons! Tell me I’m not the only one? This time around I decid­ed to go a some­what roman­tic route for these neu­tral scrap wood pumpkins. Here it what I start­ed with to make these neu­tral scrap wood pumpkins… A few scrap 2x4 pieces…

  • Decor - DIY Projects

    Simple DIY Sand Paint Recipe

    I have been look­ing for a good way to tex­tur­ize my fall DIY projects (did you see what I did to this thrift­ed planter?) and I final­ly found the solu­tion with this DIY sand paint recipe. I was inspired by a salt­wash paint­ing tech­nique my friend Chasi­da at Cus­tom South­ern Co. shared with her fol­low­ers on Face­book and it got my wheels turning.  I want­ed to find a way to recre­ate what she had done for my own projects since I did­n’t have her medi­um on hand. This is the recipe I used to make my own tex­tured sand paint. Ingredients…

  • Decor - DIY Projects

    Chippy Wood Pumpkin DIY Perfect For Fall

    I think if I put all of my favorite things in a bag and shake it up, I would pull out this chip­py wood pump­kin DIY. It is lit­er­al­ly a com­bi­na­tion of all of my VERY FAVORITE things! And the best part? It’s the fea­tured project in the month­ly DIY Decor Box for August! Each and every box is filled with a com­bi­na­tion of beau­ti­ful DIY’s and coor­di­nat­ed decor for your home! Lit­er­al­ly the only thing left to do is enjoy the curat­ed dec­o­rat­ing experience!  Does that sound like a fun time?  Well, let me just sweet­en it up even more…

  • Decor - DIY Projects

    DIY Faux Cement Planter: Perfect for Fall!

    I have been dying to try my hand at cre­at­ing a DIY faux fall cement planter, and this cute lit­tle pot from a local thrift store was the per­fect piece for this cute piece of DIY Fall decor! Tru­ly, this DIY can be incor­po­rat­ed into any sea­son, but I have a per­fect lit­tle stack of adorable neu­tral farm­house pump­kins from Roost+Restore Home that would look amaz­ing nes­tled on top. DIY Faux Fall Cement Planter Supplies old piece of pottery tis­sue paper mod podge paint (I am using Waver­ly Plas­ter, Ink and Antique wax) paint brush baby wipes Begin with a cou­ple sheets…

  • Decor - DIY Projects - Scrap Wood Projects

    Rusty Wire Mason Jar Wood Block Sign DIY

    Wood block DIY’s are my absolute fave. There is some­thing so sat­is­fy­ing about being able to cre­ate some­thing unique and qual­i­ty for your home with­out hav­ing to hunt down crazy com­pli­cat­ed sup­plies. This rusty wire mason jar was the per­fect way to add a touch of rus­tic fall decor to my home with­out hav­ing to do just that. I already had most of these sup­plies lay­ing around my house, and I wil­ing to bet you prob­a­bly do too. Here is whatcha need for this per­fect lit­tle piece of rus­tic fall decor… Supplies for Rusty Wire Mason Jar Wood Block Wood chunk (mine is about…

  • Decor - DIY Projects

    DIY Fall Transitional Sign Using Cardboard

    Even if we don’t want to admit it, Fall is just around the cor­ner. Yes, I know it may be a bit ear­ly to break out the fall decor, I think this diy fall tran­si­tion­al sign can be an excep­tion. Sun­flow­ers and late Sum­mer go togeth­er like peas and car­rots. Go ahead and tuck this one in your back pock­et or pin it to your DIY fall decor board for future reference. Supplies for DIY Fall Sign Nest­ing Box Inter­change­able Sign Fall Flo­ral Stem Card­board Paint (I am using off white, grey, black and antique wax) Stain (Min­wax Spe­cial Walnut) Paint­brush­es Hot Glue…

  • Decor - DIY Projects

    DIY Dollar Tree Frame Makeover

    I have had my hands on the Dol­lar Tree frame for a while just wait­ing for the per­fect project and this was just what I was wait­ing for! I mean, once you see how cute this DIY Dol­lar Tree frame makeover turned out„ you’re gonna want to run to the store to grab one for yourself! The sup­plies came from a few dif­fer­ent craft places like Michaels, Wal­mart and of course, Dol­lar tree. I will list what you need below and where it can be found. It’s my hunch that if you prob­a­bly have a lot of these things on…