
Thrift Store Flip: Mini Screen Door

Here at Roost and Restore I love to show peo­ple how they can dec­o­rate their homes resource­ful­ly. A lot of the times that means tak­ing some­thing from a thrift store and giv­ing it a fresh makeover so it will fit your own per­son­al style. This thrift store flip is no exception! You just might be…

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How to Freshen Up Christmas Garland

OK so we have all been faced with this dilem­ma at one time top anoth­er and we are left won­der­ing, how to fresh­en up Christ­mas gar­land. Well hon­ey that is why I’m here! I have found the sim­plest and sweet­est way to give that old tired gar­land a new and fes­tive look that will make…

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Soap Pump Makeover

We recent­ly opened up our new home decor shoppe and I knew after open­ing week­end that I would need a cute way to pro­vide hand san­i­tiz­er at the check­out. That is when I thought of this soap pump makeover! I found the cutest glass soap pump for $1 with a hob­nail pat­tern that I could­n’t…

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Christmas Tree Makeover using SnoFlock

This week I had the plea­sure of team­ing up with Seasons Reflec­tions for a fun Christ­mas Tree Makeover using their advanced Snow Flock­ing pow­der! Not only is it super sim­ple to use but it can trans­form any Christ­mas tree in minutes! So I found this super cute tree at a local thrift store for only…

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DIY Christmas Centerpiece from Thrifted Lamp Shade

Every year it seems like I am left scratch­ing my head try­ing to fig­ure out the per­fect Christ­mas cen­ter­piece for my din­ing table, cof­fee tables, sofa table…any table real­ly. But I believe I may have found some­thing unique, sim­ple and beau­ti­ful with this DIY Christ­mas centerpiece. It all start­ed with an old lampshade…yes you read…

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Thrift Store DIY Coffee Table Tray

If you know me at all, then you know by now, just how much I love sup­port­ing my local thrift stores! Inn fact, I have a whole col­lec­tion of thrift store DIY decor ideas right here on the blog. When I found this old sign I knew imme­di­ate­ly that I could turn it into some­thing…

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European Farmhouse Christmas DIY

When I picked up this lit­tle $3 ceram­ic Christ­mas horse at a local thrift store last week, I knew right away I want­ed to try to recre­ate a beau­ti­ful Euro­pean Farm­house Christ­mas inspired piece! This dat­ed horse had great tex­ture and the details were per­fect for what I had in mind for trans­form­ing this lit­tle…

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Textured Wood Block Christmas Tree Using Sand Paint

I recently have been loving this DIY sand paint recipe! Not only does it provided superior coverage but it also leaves behind a nice texture on most any surface.  Here is what you need! 3 scoops Plas­ter of Paris 2 scoops or small craft tube of paint 1 scoop of Sand wood block Christ­mas tree craft kit All you real­ly…

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DIY Christmas Decor Using an Old Canvas

This week I kicked off with some Christ­mas craft­ing. Every Mon­day I go LIVE on Face­book to share a fun makeover idea and this week DIY Christ­mas decor is just what I need­ed to get the week started! I grabbed a can­vas for $1.99 at the local Good­will, removed the dat­ed can­vas image to reveal…

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How to Style a Dough Bowl with Faux Wildflowers

Dough bowl decor is super trendy right now! If you have one at home and you’ve been struggling with how to style it, this is for you! Recent­ly, I was asked to cre­ate an arrange­ment for a friend so I reached for an (emp­ty dough bowl can­dle) cleaned up the left­over wax, and start­ed to work…

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