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Chippy Wood Pumpkin DIY Perfect For Fall

I think if I put all of my favorite things in a bag and shake it up, I would pull out this chip­py wood pump­kin DIY. It is lit­er­al­ly a com­bi­na­tion of all of my VERY FAVORITE things! And the best part? It’s the fea­tured project in the month­ly DIY Decor Box for August! Each…

DIY Faux Cement Planter: Perfect for Fall!

I have been dying to try my hand at cre­at­ing a DIY faux fall cement planter, and this cute lit­tle pot from a local thrift store was the per­fect piece for this cute piece of DIY Fall decor! Tru­ly, this DIY can be incor­po­rat­ed into any sea­son, but I have a per­fect lit­tle stack of…

How to Make A Simple Back to School Sign

It’s hard to believe the Sum­mer is already com­ing to an end. Here at the home­stead we have been doing all of the end of Sum­mer things, putting up the gar­den veg­gies, shop­ping school sup­plies and plan­ning for all of the back to school fes­tiv­i­ties. It got me to think­ing about all of the cute…

Rusty Wire Mason Jar Wood Block Sign DIY

Wood block DIY’s are my absolute fave. There is some­thing so sat­is­fy­ing about being able to cre­ate some­thing unique and qual­i­ty for your home with­out hav­ing to hunt down crazy com­pli­cat­ed sup­plies. This rusty wire mason jar was the per­fect way to add a touch of rus­tic fall decor to my home with­out hav­ing to…

Easy Painted Wood Sunflower

This wood sun­flower DIY was a lit­tle out­side of my com­fort zone. For some rea­son paint­ing makes me a ner­vous wreck buu­u­uttt I decid­ed to take a dose of my own med­i­cine, and like I always say “Just go for it!”  So this is me going for it. I decid­ed to give this sim­ple wood sun­flower…

Roost and Restore Celebrates at Featherstone Farm

Last week we had the amaz­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty to part­ner with a local mini farm here in West­ern Ken­tucky for a beau­ti­ful and unique cel­e­bra­tion. Here at Roost and Restore we were look­ing for a unique way to cel­e­brate us reach­ing a HUGE mile­stone of 100 thou­sand fol­low­ers on Facebook. A pri­vate pic­nic at Feath­er­Stone Farm…

DIY Fall Transitional Sign Using Cardboard

Even if we don’t want to admit it, Fall is just around the cor­ner. Yes, I know it may be a bit ear­ly to break out the fall decor, I think this diy fall tran­si­tion­al sign can be an excep­tion. Sun­flow­ers and late Sum­mer go togeth­er like peas and car­rots. Go ahead and tuck this…

Scandinavian Inspired Dollar Tree Bell Makeover

I found these adorable lit­tle bells at our local Dol­lar Tree last Christ­mas and knew they would made a cute base for this Dol­lar Tree bell makeover. It dawned on me today, in the heat of July, that I would use them to cre­ate a Scan­di­na­vian inspired wreath for Christmas!  Scan­di­na­vian Christ­mas decor is sim­ple…

DIY Dollar Tree Frame Makeover

I have had my hands on the Dol­lar Tree frame for a while just wait­ing for the per­fect project and this was just what I was wait­ing for! I mean, once you see how cute this DIY Dol­lar Tree frame makeover turned out„ you’re gonna want to run to the store to grab one for…

Roost and Restore Home: Let’s Go Pickin’!

Have you heard about The Home­goods Mar­ket? It’s my small home decor bou­tique that spe­cial­izes in small batch, hand­made items picked by me, Kaycee, and the Roost+Restore team. When I launched Roost+Restore to help folks dec­o­rate their homes with resource­ful DIY decor, I nev­er imag­ined that I would own an online home decor bou­tique and…