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DIY Grain Sack Coffee Stained Towel

This is one of those fun DIY’s you are gonna wish you had known about soon­er. This DIY grain sack tea tow­el real­ly is 2 projects in one, but they are both so super sim­ple you just might want to trans­form all of your kitchen towels. Supplies to Make a Grain Sack Tea Towel Plain flour…

DIY Memorial Day Luminary

I can not be more pleased with the out­come behind this sim­ple Memo­r­i­al Day lumi­nary. Not only is it upcy­cled but I was able to use a crack­le prod­uct by Valspar that I had been excit­ed to try!. Grab your­self an old jar and a can­dle and come make one of these beau­ti­ful lumi­nar­ies for…

Memorial Day Poppy Flower DIY

Often­times when we think of Memo­r­i­al Day our minds auto­mat­i­cal­ly shift to the unof­fi­cial start of Sum­mer. I want­ed to take a moment to hon­or the lives of those that give mean­ing to the Memo­r­i­al Day that we observe. It is my hope that this Memo­r­i­al Day DIY will help us to remem­ber those that…

Dollar Tree DIY Vintage Card Catalog

I have this per­son­al phi­los­o­phy. I refuse to make Dol­lar Tree DIYs that I would not per­son­al­ly use in my home. This Dol­lar Tree DIY Vin­tage Card Cat­a­log checks that box for sure! It is hands-down one of the cutest dol­lar store makeovers I have done to date! In my opin­ion anyways. You will be…

Dollar Tree DIY BOHO Planter

Some of my favorite DIY’s start with some­thing so sim­ple. In this case, a sim­ple plas­tic bowl from the Dol­lar Tree was all that I need­ed, along with a lit­tle paint of course to cre­ate a beau­ti­ful DIY Boho Planter. I have recent­ly become a plant mama and I am work­ing hard to keep every­thing…

DIY Farmhouse Riser from an Old Drawer

I can’t get over how beau­ti­ful this DIY farm­house ris­er from an old draw­er turned out. I was gift­ed a cou­ple of the cute lit­tle draw­ers, we think came from an old sewing machine but I can’t say for sure, and I have held on to them, know­ing one day I would use them for…

Pretty DIY Jenga Block Magnets

These lit­tle jen­ga block mag­nets are one of the sim­plest projects I have made in a while…and you wan­na know the truth? They took me all of about 10 min­utes to make. No joke. Not only were they super sim­ple and cute but they also inspired me to think out­side of the usu­al places you might…

Pallet Wood Church DIY Decor

I am obsessed with the rus­tic look of pal­let wood projects. And this Pal­let Wood Church is no excep­tion. The beau­ti­ful rus­tic feel of this com­plet­ed project makes it per­fect for year round decor.  Craft kits like this pal­let wood church can be received each month in our Craft Wood Club subscription! Pallet Wood Church Cut List…

DIY Spring Thrift Store Picture Frame

I am always scout­ing out old frames at the thrift store. There was­n’t any­thing spe­cial about this thrift store pic­ture frame until I gave it a sim­ple lit­tle makeover for Spring. I love vin­tage Spring decor and this lit­tle DIY was the per­fect addi­tion to the oth­er pieces in my home. With a few basic sup­plies…

How to Make A DIY Farmhouse Riser

Ok, ok. So maybe the piz­za pan DIY’s are over done. But just hear me out for a sec­ond. This lit­tle piz­za pan farm­house ris­er is far from look­ing cheap. It’s all in the styling. So if you’re look­ing for a lit­tle some­thin some­thin to spruce up your cof­fee table or kitchen island this Spring,…