I’m Kaycee.

Wel­come to Roost and Restore, where every project is a reflec­tion of my jour­ney in faith and home­mak­ing. Found­ed in 2018, this blog has been my sanc­tu­ary of cre­ativ­i­ty, filled with DIY adven­tures and the joy of rais­ing my two boys. With God as my guide, I’ve dis­cov­ered the beau­ty in trans­form­ing hous­es into homes, infus­ing each cor­ner with love and pur­pose. Join me as I share my pas­sion for craft­ing, dec­o­rat­ing, and the sim­ple joys of fam­i­ly life. Wel­come to our cozy nest, where faith and cre­ativ­i­ty inter­twine to cre­ate some­thing tru­ly special.

Kaycee Signature at Roost and Restore