DIY Outdoor Spindle Projects

With Spring on the hori­zon, my mind is start­ing to drift to fresh­en­ing up my out­door spaces. Since mov­ing to our new home­stead we have put all of our atten­tion and ener­gy into clean­ing up the out­door spaces but I am ready to start think­ing of all things pret­ty. I have nev­er real­ly giv­en much…

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Easy Vintage Stamped Lamp Shade

This DIY has got to be one of the eas­i­est cre­ations I have made in a while. It took me all of 5 min­utes, maybe less to com­plete this DIY. It all start­ed with a plain lamp shade, stamps and a love for all things vin­tage. If you have these three things handy then you…

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DIY Chippy Paint Layers Using General Finishes Milk Paint

Recent­ly we just wrapped up a big DIY project where we cre­at­ed an island using an old thrift­ed dress­er. From the very start I knew I want­ed an authen­tic, chip­py, aged fin­ish. If you talk to all the “decor styling experts” they may tell you that the farm­house trends are on thi­er way out. and…

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How to Repurpose a Dresser into A Kitchen Island

This dream of hav­ing a kitchen island start­ed with a dress­er we found at a local resale shop. It was a bit taller than your stan­dard dress­er and made the per­fect height for an island, and thus, the dress­er to island con­ver­sion project was born. If you’re look­ing to start a upcyled project that will look…

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DIY Rustic Island Counter Top

Sooo, as most of you may already know we have been steadi­ly work­ing on con­vert­ing an old dress­er into a kitchen island. My num­ber one goal out of this entire con­ver­sion process has been work­ing toward cap­tur­ing an old, just pulled out of a barn feel. I don’t know if that makes any sense to…

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How to Layer Stain Like a Pro

Learn how to give new wood a beau­ti­ful nat­u­ral­ly aged look with the stain lay­er­ing tech­nique An easy DIY method for using stain to achieve an old look. The goal here was to make this wood look aged and pre­vi­ous­ly loved. In this case, a since shade of stain was­n’t gonna cut it. I decid­ed on…

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DIY Rusted Hardware

I have been work­ing on our island con­ver­sion for a few weeks now and I am final­ly gett­ting to the final touch­es on every­thing I want­ed the piece to look authen­ti­cal­ly old, that was my main goal. I bought new apothe­cary hard­ware from Ama­zon and absolute­ly LOVED the design. What I did­n’t love was how…

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Rustic Farmhouse Kitchen Makeover

If you would have told me a year ago that I would be shar­ing images of my new­ly updat­ed dream kitchen I would have lol’d…BIG TIME! We were no where near buy­ing our for­ev­er home, in fact, we were rent­ing and bank­ing on buy­ing that place! But God…GOD had dif­fer­ent plans for our fam­i­ly. I…

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How to build and easy DIY Wood Lantern

I love mak­ing my own beau­ti­ful decor. This lantern is one of those projects that is so sim­ple and looks like it came right from the store. I assem­bled using the PRECUT PROJECT KIT from R+R Sup­ply that can be pur­chased HERE but it could be eas­i­ly assem­bled using some sim­ple wood cuts. I have…

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A Tiered Tray Styled with DIY Projects

I have nev­er real­ly dec­o­rat­ed for Valen­tine’s Day but I am real­ly enjoy­ing just a sprin­kle of love here and there min­gled with my decor. And after see­ing plen­ty of Valen­tine’s Day trays decked out in bright reds and pinks I decid­ed I want­ed to tone things down a bit and bring some of my…

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