• Decor - DIY Projects

    Easy Methods for Bleaching Wood Furniture

    Bleach­ing wood fur­ni­ture is not a new con­cept but it is def­i­nite­ly trend­ing in home decor right now. Sim­ply put it’s just a process for light­en­ing wood. I cre­ates that beau­ti­ful, blonde type vibe that can eas­i­ly be mixed into rus­tic decor, mod­ern aes­thet­ics and every­thing in between.  I am espe­cial­ly fond of it bring­ing out the nat­ur­al beau­ty in wood rather than cov­er­ing it with paint. Don’t get me wrong, there is def­i­nite­ly a time and place for paint­ed pieces but this process is per­fect for those heir­loom type pieces that you want to pre­serve or maybe you don’t…

  • Decor + Styling - DIY Projects

    DIY Easter Cross Decor

    I haven’t craft­ed a whole lot of East­er decor this sea­son and I have been sav­ing a lit­tle wood cross I found at my local dol­lar store for when the inspi­ra­tion hit. Today was the day! I made the most beau­ti­ful East­er cross decor dis­play using that dol­lar store find and a few items from my home decor bou­tique, Roost and Restore Home. It all start­ed when I was mak­ing my usu­al Mon­day morn­ing stroll through the store. I like to look around the dis­plays after a cou­ple days off to see if there is any­thing that needs to be…

  • Decor - DIY Projects

    DIY Jumbo Tulip Porch Decor

    A few weeks ago I grabbed up these cute met­al tulip shapes from my local Dol­lar Store and knew I need­ed to make some­thing cute…what exact­ly? Well, a crafter nev­er real­ly knows but my heart end­ed up lead­ing me to cre­ate the most adorable jum­bo tulip porch decor! SUPPLIES Met­al tulip cutouts from Dol­lar Tree Scrap­book paper of choice wood­en rulers planter box flo­ral foam span­ish moss and(or) trail­ing plant STEP 1 I pre­pared the tulip cut outs by remov­ing the strings that came attached and traced the out­line on 3 dif­fer­ent fun col­ors of scrap­book paper. STEP 2 After that I attached the paper…

  • Decor - DIY Projects

    Dollar Tree Lantern DIY

    I love shar­ing thrifty ways to make your own decor. I espe­cial­ly love shar­ing these projects Live on face­book, which is where this Dol­lar Tree Lantern DIY came from! It came togeth­er bet­ter than ever expect­ed and looks high end with a cute can­dle ring and euca­lyp­tus can­dle. I have list­ed out the steps for you to cre­ate your own, down below. Supplies for Dollar Tree Lantern DIY (4) 3.5x5” frames Hot Glue Jum­bo Pop­si­cle sticks Stain Can­dle Can­dle Ring Begin by remov­ing the back­ing and any hard­ware. These lit­tle frames have cute lit­tle met­al label hold­ers that I want­ed to keep…

  • Decor

    Glass Cabinet Styling Ideas

    Every­one needs a lit­tle cab­i­net of curiosi­ties, right? If you haven’t owned one at some point I am will­ing to bet you know some­one who does! I remem­ber the old fash­ioned curios that we’re real­ly pop­u­lar in the late 80s ear­ly 90s. My mom had one filled with angels she used to col­lect. Glass cab­i­net styling back then meant you placed your most prized pos­ses­sions behind the glass doors and then tru­ly they became dust col­lec­tors that no one was allowed to touch.  I was recent­ly gift­ed an old-fash­ioned oak curio from my aunt and I was excit­ed to get my…

  • Decor - DIY Projects

    Rustic Coffee Table Decor for Spring

    Styling cof­fee tables has become one of my favorite ways to quick­ly change up my decor for dif­fer­ent sea­sons or occa­sions. Late­ly I have been mak­ing a lot of new DIY decor pieces from the DIY DECOR BOX and I was so excit­ed to see them all come togeth­er so beau­ti­ful­ly as my cof­fee table decor for Spring. Mem­bers of my DIY Decor Box sub­scrip­tion received all 3 of these beau­ti­ful decor projects (you won’t beleive these are DIYs) to make for them­selves and I shared with them how they could take all three of their com­plet­ed projects and bring…

  • Decor + Styling - DIY Projects

    DIY Wood Bead Riser

    I have been want­i­ng a wood bead ris­er for a while now. Every time I see one in pass­ing I think to myself “I can total­ly make that.” Do you ever do that? That’s one of the many rea­son why I love our DIY Decor sub­scrip­tion box. The best part is sub­scribers no longer have to put off the decor projects they want to try for their home. We lit­er­al­ly shipped every­thing need­ed to make this wood bead ris­er! I list­ed the sup­plies I used down below if you are want­i­ng to make one for yourself. Here is what you…

  • Decor + Styling - DIY Projects

    Spring Dough Bowl Flower Arrangement

    I grabbed a col­lec­tion of Springy flo­rals from the local dol­lar store recent­ly and I knew i want­ed to cre­ate a Spring dough bowl flower arrange­ment with them. I loved the com­bi­na­tion of col­ors when I brought them togeth­er and thought it would be a fun project to try my flo­ral arrang­ing skills with. It would be fair­ly sim­ple to achieve a sim­i­lar look. If you don’t have a dough bowl, we offer them at R+R Home. They come with a beau­ti­ful­ly scent­ed can­dle inside that can either be repoured or repur­posed like I did with this arrangement. I start­ed…

  • Decor

    R+R Home Spring Open House 2022

    This first quar­ter of the year has been a whirl­wind! I am not even sure how we are already cel­e­brat­ing our first Spring Open House! This is our first open house event since Christ­mas and we were ready to cel­e­brate the best way we knew how! From an infused sweet tea bar to free pot­pour­ri, we kicked off the Spring sea­son with an amaz­ing group of mak­ers and friends that came out to show our small lit­tle shop a whole lot­ta of love! Although the day start­ed with a few clouds, it def­i­nite­ly did not hin­der the Spring vibes we had…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling - DIY Projects

    DIY Dollar Tree Cloche

    Y’all know I love me a thrifty DIY from time to time and let me just tell ya, this lit­tle DIY Dol­lar Tree cloche does not dis­ap­point! Use it for trin­kets, dis­play a can­dle or sim­ply let it stand on its own. Any way you use it your guests will nev­er know it was a DIY. That can be our lit­tle secret. Supplies for a DIY Cloche Small wood turn­ing (I used a wood can­dle­stick holder) Small trin­ket tray (Dol­lar Tree) Class cup or vase (Dol­lar Tree) Knob Paint Rub-On Trans­fer (Dol­lar Tree) Quick and Thick mul­ti sur­face glue or any oth­er type…