Fall Porch Decor Kits

This week at R+R I have been craft­ing all the things get my porch ready for fall. This col­lec­tion of DIY kits are avail­able at Roost and Restore Home among oth­er projects you can craft and dec­o­rate with. We like to offer high qual­i­ty projects that we can not only inspire you with but also…

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Garden Trellis Makeover

I picked up this gar­den trel­lis from Lowe’s back in the Spring and have been con­tem­plat­ing what to do with it. Of course it would be cute with a climb­ing plant on a porch but I decid­ed to give it a fun makeover for Fall. I think you will love this idea for a gar­den…

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Fall Scrap Wood Napkin Project

Even though Fall temps are far from sight, my heart can’t help but start think­ing about the craft projects that come along with the cool crisp air. I had to break into my stash for this Fall scrap wood nap­kin project and I think you are going to love it as much as I do! Supplies…

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Hand-Cut Rustic Christmas Wood Projects

It may been 100 and heck degrees out­side but we have been all out Christ­mas in July this week at the shoppe! It felt so good to get on the saws and let my cre­ativ­i­ty come to light. You all LOVED the kits so much I was able to part­ner up with a local Amish…

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How to Make an Embroidery Hoop Wreath

This is one of those projects I have want­ed to try for a very long time and when I saw the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be able to share in the excite­ment of mak­ing an embroi­dery hoop wreath for myself I knew I need­ed to share the process with you all. No it isn’t a new idea…

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Scrap Wood Windmill

There isn’t any type of craft­ing much bet­ter than scrap wood craftin. I get the best feel­ing when I can got grab a few pieces from the wood pile and make some­thing from scratch. This lit­tle scrap wood wind­mill is a prime exam­ple of what you can make when you have a good source of…

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Thrifted Bookend Makeover with Quikrete

A cou­ple weeks ago I grabbed these hefty book­ends at a yard sale for $3. Real­ly the whole day of hunt­ing was a bust but find­ing these beau­ties turned the day around! That real­ly is the joy in thrift­ing and hunt­ing for those unique items. I hope this thrift­ed book­end makeover will inspire you on…

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3 Vintage Looks for a Garden Terrarium

Gar­den ter­rar­i­ums are super pop­u­lar in vin­tage dec­o­rat­ing right now! We recent­ly made this Chip­py Gar­den Ter­rar­i­um in our DIY Decor mem­ber­ship and I am still reel­ing over the authen­tic­i­ty of the chip­py paint lay­ers and the ver­sa­til­i­ty of this DIY! There are so many ways they can be styled but I going to keep…

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Get the Weathered Paint Look in 3 Easy Steps

Avid DIY’ers and crafters know what it’s like to acci­den­tal­ly dis­cov­er a tech­nique. That was def­i­nite­ly the case for this weath­ered paint look I used on the DIY gar­den ter­rar­i­um. Real­ly it was impa­tience and my messy craft­ing habits that led to the dis­cov­ery of this tech­nique, but it real­ly did work out in my favor.…

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Rustic Patriotic DIY Decor

I had so much fun curat­ing this Rus­tic Patri­ot­ic DIY Decor with my friends over on Face­book. Lov­ing on these ladies through online fel­low­ship and craft­ing is one of the many bless­ing of hav­ing a DIY and dec­o­rat­ing busi­ness. I shared my per­son­al spin on each of 3 hand cut wood craft kits to inspire…

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