• Decor - DIY Projects

    DIY Concrete Pedestal

    Ok so it’s no secret that I love a thrifty planter makeover. I can usu­al­ly be found search­ing my local thrift store shelves at least once a week. I love the thrill of find­ing some­thing with good bones and breath­ing a fresh new life and pur­pose into it. In this case, a DIY con­crete pedestal. This par­tic­u­lar thrifty makeover was a lit­tle extra fun sim­ply because I end­ed up using it for some­thing com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent than plants. If I am being super hon­est I can bare­ly keep plants alive so hav­ing an abun­dance of planters does­n’t add any val­ue to…

  • Decor - DIY Projects

    DIY Cozy Winter Sign

    Would you believe me if I told you that this cozy win­ter sign was a DIY project? Well believe it! This is the Decem­ber fea­tured project for DIY Home Decor Box sub­scribers! Every sin­gle month sub­scribers receive a beau­ti­ful DIY decor project ready to cre­ate for their homes! The Decem­ber Kit included: 1 com­plete Farm­house sign kit 1 cozy can­dle repour kit writ­ten and video record­ed instructions The Decem­ber DIY Decor Box includ­ed a per­fect­ly sized farm­house sign kit includ­ing 1 backer­board nd 4 trim pieces pic­tured below. GET YOUR OWN DIY DECOR BOX  Every piece of wood is already cut to size and…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling - DIY Projects

    Simple Snowflake Picture Frame Under $5

    Dec­o­rat­ing after Christ­mas can be a chal­lenge but I love the vibes of this sim­ple snowflake pic­ture frame. I have plen­ty of ideas here on the blog for after-Christ­mas decor and I can assure you this snowflake pic­ture frame will be mak­ing the list along with some of my oth­er faves. And the best part.…it was CHEAP! Lit­er­al­ly a brand new piece of after Christ­mas decor for less than $5! You can’t beat it!  Here is what you need to recre­ate a sim­i­lar look Thrift­ed Frame Black Paint Small wood Snowflake  Hym­nal page or craft paper Paint­brush Hot Glue I always love a good…

  • Christmas - Decor - Decor + Styling - DIY Projects

    Simple DIY Joy Sign

    It’s been a hot minute since I post­ed any­thing new here on the blog and I thought this DIY Joy sign was a great way to fin­ish up all of my sea­son­al Christ­mas projects. In all hon­esty haven’t had a ton of time to spend on very many projects since open­ing the shoppe. This project blos­somed out of the need to clear my mind and the word “Joy” was the first word that came to mind. Just this past Fri­day, Decem­ber 10th our small town of May­field. KY was com­plete­ly dev­as­tat­ed by high-end, mon­ster EF‑4 tor­na­do. After see­ing the dev­as­ta­tion…

  • Christmas - Decor - DIY Projects

    How to Make Orange Slice Ornaments

    Y’all I’m not entire­ly sure why it has tak­en me so long to make these adorable orange slice orna­ments but here we are! I final­ly did it and now I am look­ing for every lit­tle rea­son to dehy­drate some oranges! I am obsessed with the old fash­ioned, nat­ur­al homey feel that these lit­tle slices add to my Christ­mas tree and I am cer­tain you will love them just as much.  Not to men­tion they check all of my Christ­mas DIY boxes…simple, beau­ti­ful and resourceful! Do you ever get on a “kick” Like if you learn a new tech­nique or find some­thing…

  • Decor

    Thrift Store Flip: Mini Screen Door

    Here at Roost and Restore I love to show peo­ple how they can dec­o­rate their homes resource­ful­ly. A lot of the times that means tak­ing some­thing from a thrift store and giv­ing it a fresh makeover so it will fit your own per­son­al style. This thrift store flip is no exception! You just might be sur­prised how far a lit­tle paint and cre­ativ­i­ty can go when dec­o­rat­ing your home. It’s all about using the resources you have to dec­o­rate. It’s that simple. Last week, I came across this cute lit­tle mini screen door at my local thrift store for only…

  • Decor - Roost+Restore Home

    How to Freshen Up Christmas Garland

    OK so we have all been faced with this dilem­ma at one time top anoth­er and we are left won­der­ing, how to fresh­en up Christ­mas gar­land. Well hon­ey that is why I’m here! I have found the sim­plest and sweet­est way to give that old tired gar­land a new and fes­tive look that will make your guests look twice! I have to admit, before I reveal this lit­tle secret, that it was not my orig­i­nal idea. In fax­et, I saw this lit­tle trick at my friends barn mar­ket at Feath­er­Stone farm last Christ­mas and it stuck with me! I knew I…

  • Decor - DIY Projects

    Soap Pump Makeover

    We recent­ly opened up our new home decor shoppe and I knew after open­ing week­end that I would need a cute way to pro­vide hand san­i­tiz­er at the check­out. That is when I thought of this soap pump makeover! I found the cutest glass soap pump for $1 with a hob­nail pat­tern that I could­n’t resist. A quick clean­ing and a lit­tle paint and this makeover was fin­ished and ready for the check­out counter. I cov­ered the glass por­tion of the pump with 2 thin coats of chalky white paint and applied rub n buff in antique gold to the…

  • Decor

    Christmas Tree Makeover using SnoFlock

    This week I had the plea­sure of team­ing up with Seasons Reflec­tions for a fun Christ­mas Tree Makeover using their advanced Snow Flock­ing pow­der! Not only is it super sim­ple to use but it can trans­form any Christ­mas tree in minutes! So I found this super cute tree at a local thrift store for only $15! Yes.…FIFTEEN DOLLARS! At that price tag, it was super easy to bring it back to the shoppe! But of course it need­ed a lit­tle bit of love and knew SnoFlock by Sea­sons Reflec­tions is what I would use. This was not my first time…

  • Christmas - Decor - DIY Projects

    DIY Christmas Centerpiece from Thrifted Lamp Shade

    Every year it seems like I am left scratch­ing my head try­ing to fig­ure out the per­fect Christ­mas cen­ter­piece for my din­ing table, cof­fee tables, sofa table…any table real­ly. But I believe I may have found some­thing unique, sim­ple and beau­ti­ful with this DIY Christ­mas centerpiece. It all start­ed with an old lampshade…yes you read that cor­rect­ly, A lamp shade.  It was old. Stained. Bor­ing. But I changed all that just by sim­ply strip­ping it down with a box cut­ting knife and styling it with a few beau­ti­ful items from Roost and Restore Home. This is what the shade looked like after…