• DIY Projects

    How to Make an Easy Patriotic Banner with Ribbon

    I am excit­ed to share with you just how easy and beau­ti­ful this patri­ot­ic door hang­er can be with just a lit­tle wood plank and ribbon!  For me, patri­ot­ic decor around the home­stead always seems to be lack­ing. Sum­mer hol­i­days always seem to sneak up on me and I find myself scram­bling around last minute to come up with a few good sum­mer­time decor ideas. This project start­ed with a pre-dis­tressed board from the Wal-Mart craft cen­ter and a pack of 6 lit­tle wood­en stars from the same isle. I’m sure the same sup­plies can be found at your local craft…

  • Cooking

    Banana Bread with Maple Syrup

    Bak­ing goods for break­fast seems to be a trend around here at the home­stead. A few weeks ago I made AMISH CINNAMON SWIRL BREAD and this morn­ing we shared a warm loaf of Clas­sic Banana Bread (with a twist). I am excit­ed to share this recipe for your to enjoy in your kitchens. This is a recipes I have used for years but with a sur­pris­ing twist. We are omit­ing the Pure Vanil­la Extract and replac­ing it with Maple Syrup. Yep…syrup! This was an acci­den­tal dis­cov­ery actu­al­ly. I set out to make the bread the tra­di­tion­al way and found out…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Budget Friendly DIY Projects to Spruce Up Your Thanksgiving Table

    Grow­ing up, Thanks­giv­ing meals were always held at my Grannie’s farm­house here in West­ern Ken­tucky. Most of our fam­i­ly lived with­in a 5 mile radius and we all piled in the mod­est, wood-pan­eled, den and kitchen area. There were so many cousins, aunts and uncles we were quite lit­er­al­ly piled on top of each oth­er. But hon­est­ly, that was how I liked it! When my Grannie, the Matri­arch, passed in 2008 the fam­i­ly sud­den­ly stopped hav­ing large hol­i­day meals togeth­er. Instead we all split off into our own lit­tle units and haven’t had a meal togeth­er since. But alas, my…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Tiered Tray From Thrifted Plates

    Supplies Needed: 3 Thrift­ed Plates Spin­dles Knob E6000 Adhe­sive Spray paint I have always want­ed a rea­son to buy all the pret­ty lit­tle plates from the thrift store or yard sales. I have want­ed one of those beau­ti­ful tiered farm­house trays for what seems like for­ev­er but could nev­er bring myself to spend the mon­ey. There’s also my weird obses­sion with search­ing for old and beau­ti­ful plates so real­ly this project was a match made in DIY heaven. This project start­ed with a col­lec­tion of 3 plates from a local thrift store for about a quar­ter a piece. Two of…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Easy Wood Bead Napkin Rings

    It’s not secret that I love wood bead ele­ments in my home and if you’re read­ing this I am guess­ing you share the same wood bead obses­sion that I do right? What did we ever do before “farm­house” decor haha. In addi­tion to this super cute nap­kin ring I also enjoyed mak­ing this super cute and sim­ple DIY WOOD BEAD TASSEL using some of the very same sup­plie we’re using here. Supplies Needed for Napkin Rings  Craft Bead Set Nat­ur­al Pol­ished Hemp Scis­sors First , grab your scis­sors and cut a piece of hemp. I think mine was about 12 in give or take.…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Easy DIY Plant Stand

    Bookshelves have always been a challenge for me. One I figured out a little pattern for styling it started to become easier. Believe it or not bookshelves are not just for books...gasp! Everyday things you have around your house like candlestick, spindles, and orbs are all perfect ways to add depth and character to your shelves.