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Old-Fashioned Homemaking and Simple DIY Living

Old-fash­ioned home­mak­ing and sim­ple DIY Liv­ing isn’t all about being a stay at home mom, although, that cer­tain­ly is a big part of my per­son­al expe­ri­ence. Rather is is about embrac­ing a slow­er paced and inten­tion­al­ly sim­ple lifestyle. Back in the day this type of lifestyle was the stan­dard way of liv­ing. Today, no so…

Beautiful + Functional Raised Garden Beds

There are plen­ty of rea­sons to choose raised gar­den beds over tra­di­tion­al plant­i­ng. They are eas­i­er to weed and main­tain, plus they make gar­den­ing look orga­nized and beau­ti­ful. This year, like years before, we are chos­ing to raise our beds bly.ut I am approach­ing things a bit different This year I am excit­ed to have…

Do It Yourself

Learn the art of sim­ple DIY projects, farm­house decor and home reme­dies. Roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty learn­ing to make and bring the joy of sim­ple, old fash­ioned, DIY liv­ing to your home.

Easy Wood Block American Flag

I have always want­ed to dec­o­rate for patri­ot­ic hol­i­days and this year I am get­ting a head start on mak­ing some cute lit­tle addi­tions for my decor. The prim­i­tive look wears well with red, white and blue and what bet­ter way to get that rus­tic look than with wood blocks. These are the sizes we…

DIY Spindle Carrots

Mak­ing Spring decor using these skin­ny spin­dles from the shop just may be my new obses­sion! Not only was thi project easy, but also, the end result turned out absolute­ly amazing!  What you will need: Spin­dles Miter Saw Green flo­ral stems hot clue orange paint small paint brush twine and/or raffia The process start­ed out fair­ly sim­ple. I…

DIY Outdoor Spindle Projects

With Spring on the hori­zon, my mind is start­ing to drift to fresh­en­ing up my out­door spaces. Since mov­ing to our new home­stead we have put all of our atten­tion and ener­gy into clean­ing up the out­door spaces but I am ready to start think­ing of all things pret­ty. I have nev­er real­ly giv­en much…

DIY Chippy Paint Layers Using General Finishes Milk Paint

Recent­ly we just wrapped up a big DIY project where we cre­at­ed an island using an old thrift­ed dress­er. From the very start I knew I want­ed an authen­tic, chip­py, aged fin­ish. If you talk to all the “decor styling experts” they may tell you that the farm­house trends are on thi­er way out. and…

Spring Gnome Inspiration from Etsy

Browse a col­lec­tion of adorable SPRING GNOMES from Etsy. I did­n’t real­ize how dif­fi­cult it is to find actu­al DIY tuto­ri­als for these cute lit­tle cre­ations until I went on the hunt. Click­ing on these images and links will redi­rect you to an Etsy shop. Even still, I hope this col­lec­tion leaves you inspired and…

How to Make A DIY Succulent Planter

Suc­cu­lents are mak­ing a huge state­ment in mod­ern farm­house décor right now! What I love the most about this DIY Suc­cu­lent Planter is it takes a mod­ern trend and puts a rus­tic spin on it! Not only is this lit­tle suc­cu­lent cute but it was so so fun to make. With a cou­ple thrifty finds and…