
Farmhouse Fall Decor from Amazon


It’s the begin­ning of Sep­tem­ber and here in West­ern Ken­tucky it still feels like sum­mer but I cant help but bring­ing out the pump­kins and all things fall here on the home­stead. In fact, today may be our first trip to the pump­kin patch this season. 

Whether it’s still hot where you are or maybe the morn­ing have start­ed to get that refresh­ing chill, I have gath­ered some of my favorite pieces of farm­house fall decor from Ama­zon. This style and the pieces scat­tered through­out dif­fer­ent areas of your home are sure to get you in the fall spir­it no mat­ter what the out­door ther­mome­ter may say. Grab a cup of cof­fee and shop with me!

The images are click­able and will refer you to an Ama­zon affil­i­ate link where the items pic­tured can eas­i­ly be purchase! 


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