Easy Painted Wood Sunflower

This wood sun­flower DIY was a lit­tle out­side of my com­fort zone. For some rea­son paint­ing makes me a ner­vous wreck buu­u­uttt I decid­ed to take a dose of my own med­i­cine, and like I always say “Just go for it!”  So this is me going for it. I decid­ed to give this sim­ple wood sun­flower…

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DIY Fall Transitional Sign Using Cardboard

Even if we don’t want to admit it, Fall is just around the cor­ner. Yes, I know it may be a bit ear­ly to break out the fall decor, I think this diy fall tran­si­tion­al sign can be an excep­tion. Sun­flow­ers and late Sum­mer go togeth­er like peas and car­rots. Go ahead and tuck this…

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Scandinavian Inspired Dollar Tree Bell Makeover

I found these adorable lit­tle bells at our local Dol­lar Tree last Christ­mas and knew they would made a cute base for this Dol­lar Tree bell makeover. It dawned on me today, in the heat of July, that I would use them to cre­ate a Scan­di­na­vian inspired wreath for Christmas!  Scan­di­na­vian Christ­mas decor is sim­ple…

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DIY Dollar Tree Frame Makeover

I have had my hands on the Dol­lar Tree frame for a while just wait­ing for the per­fect project and this was just what I was wait­ing for! I mean, once you see how cute this DIY Dol­lar Tree frame makeover turned out„ you’re gonna want to run to the store to grab one for…

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Old Toolbox Restoration

Y’all I could­n’t believe my eyes when I came across this adorable old tool box at a yard sale for only $10. In fact, I almost over­looked it because of the bright shade of blue it had been paint­ed. My eyes are not typ­i­cal­ly drawn to bright col­ors but then I saw it for what…

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Repouring A Dough Bowl Candle

If you are new to Roost and Restore, wel­come! Around here we are all about dec­o­rat­ing our homes resource­ful­ly! In con­junc­tion with the DIY dec­o­rat­ing ideas I share with yall, I have have cre­at­ed a rus­tic home decor bou­tique called The Home­Goods Mar­ket where we sell unique home decor pieces, vin­tage and pret­ty much any­thing…

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DIY Grain Sack Coffee Stained Towel

This is one of those fun DIY’s you are gonna wish you had known about soon­er. This DIY grain sack tea tow­el real­ly is 2 projects in one, but they are both so super sim­ple you just might want to trans­form all of your kitchen towels. Supplies to Make a Grain Sack Tea Towel Plain flour…

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DIY Memorial Day Luminary

I can not be more pleased with the out­come behind this sim­ple Memo­r­i­al Day lumi­nary. Not only is it upcy­cled but I was able to use a crack­le prod­uct by Valspar that I had been excit­ed to try!. Grab your­self an old jar and a can­dle and come make one of these beau­ti­ful lumi­nar­ies for…

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Memorial Day Poppy Flower DIY

Often­times when we think of Memo­r­i­al Day our minds auto­mat­i­cal­ly shift to the unof­fi­cial start of Sum­mer. I want­ed to take a moment to hon­or the lives of those that give mean­ing to the Memo­r­i­al Day that we observe. It is my hope that this Memo­r­i­al Day DIY will help us to remem­ber those that…

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Our Buffalo Check Couch from Marketplace

Yes, it’s true. I am chang­ing couches…AGAIN! This will be the 3rd couch we have rotat­ed into this space in lit­tle over a year. But here me out, okay? I ful­ly believe it is 100 per­cent okay to play around with our fur­ni­ture until you find that per­fect fit. That exact­ly what this buf­fa­lo check…

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