• Christmas - DIY Projects

    Scandinavian Inspired Dollar Tree Bell Makeover

    I found these adorable lit­tle bells at our local Dol­lar Tree last Christ­mas and knew they would made a cute base for this Dol­lar Tree bell makeover. It dawned on me today, in the heat of July, that I would use them to cre­ate a Scan­di­na­vian inspired wreath for Christmas!  Scan­di­na­vian Christ­mas decor is sim­ple and focused on nat­ur­al col­ors and ele­ments. I think you will see the beau­ty in the sim­plic­i­ty of this dol­lar tree bell makeover and hope­ful­ly find it inspir­ing.… let’s get to it! Here is what you will need to recre­ate this look Supplies Plas­tic Bells (I found…

  • DIY Projects

    Buffalo Check Christmas Ornament

    Late­ly I have been on a roll with Christ­mas projects. I have slow­ly been “win­ter­iz­ing” my house with flock­ing and trees all over the place! I have also been craft­ing away at some DIY Christ­mas orna­ments to add to the my new­ly themed tree this year! As you may already know, I am incor­po­rat­ing a lot of neu­trals this year, and in addi­tion to my flocked tree I am slow­ly adding lots of new DIY orna­ments. Recent­ly, I shared how to make these STAMPED WOOD BLOCK ORNAMENTS and today I am show­ing you a com­plete­ly new type using mod podge, rib­bon,…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    Easy DIY Stamped Wood Block Ornaments

    This is one of those projects that I did­n’t total­ly come togeth­er until the very end. At first, the plain ole wood blocks do not look that impres­sive. I encour­age you to stick this one out until the end. I think you will be present­ly surprised.  I start­ed with these cute lit­tle pre-cut wood blocks I have avail­able in R+R SUPPLY. They are made of pine, and can eas­i­ly be stained or sand­ed. A stamp set, paint, sand­pa­per and some string are all you need to com­plete these lit­tle gems! Start by paint­ing your blocks and allow them to dry. Noth­ing…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    How to Make a Rustic Embroidery Hoop Wreath

    This DIY embroi­dery hoop wreath is the per­fect addi­tion to your rus­tic Christ­mas decor. This project start­ed much like the oth­ers, with a trip to the thrift store! Which if you know me, is my absolute favorite place to shop for sup­plies. I always keep my eye open for wood hoops, wood uten­sils and any oth­er pieces that can be repurposed. When I’m not thrift­ing I am raid­ing the scrap wood pile for sup­plies. That is exact­ly why I cre­at­ed Roost + Restore Sup­ply; to give peo­ple access to the wood you need to make your projects come to life!…