• Decor - Decor + Styling

    Budget Friendly DIY Projects to Spruce Up Your Thanksgiving Table

    Grow­ing up, Thanks­giv­ing meals were always held at my Grannie’s farm­house here in West­ern Ken­tucky. Most of our fam­i­ly lived with­in a 5 mile radius and we all piled in the mod­est, wood-pan­eled, den and kitchen area. There were so many cousins, aunts and uncles we were quite lit­er­al­ly piled on top of each oth­er. But hon­est­ly, that was how I liked it! When my Grannie, the Matri­arch, passed in 2008 the fam­i­ly sud­den­ly stopped hav­ing large hol­i­day meals togeth­er. Instead we all split off into our own lit­tle units and haven’t had a meal togeth­er since. But alas, my…

  • Cooking - Decor - Decor + Styling

    Easy Silverware Pocket Using a Paper Bag

    With Thanks­giv­ing on the hori­zon I have been dream­ing up ideas for styling the table. I was need­ing a lit­tle some­thing to add to my place set­tings and then it dawned on me.…I have about a mil­lion brown paper lunch bags my hus­band brought home a while back (don’t ask me why he brought so many) But I thought they could make the per­fect lit­tle addi­tion I need­ed and took me less than 5 min­utes to make.  SERVE UP SOME OF MAMA’S OLD FASHIONED CORNBREAD THIS THANKSGIVING! SHHH I’M SHARING ALL OF HER SECRETS IN THIS RECIPE HERE All you will…

  • Decor - Decor + Styling

    DIY Mason Jar Cake Stand

    I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve sift­ed through this box of old hand­writ­ten recipes over the years… each time I learn some­thing new about my her­itage… the woman that left a lega­cy. My great grand­moth­er passed when I was an infant and I have since lost my Grannie. Oh the sto­ries my Grannie used to share. There is not much I wouldn’t give to hear those sto­ries just one more time, just so I could soak them in just a lit­tle bit longer. She’s been on my mind a lot late­ly, Sep­tem­ber 23rd marked 11 years with­out her…