Buffalo Check Christmas Ornament

Late­ly I have been on a roll with Christ­mas projects. I have slow­ly been “win­ter­iz­ing” my house with flock­ing and trees all over the place! I have also been craft­ing away at some DIY Christ­mas orna­ments to add to the my new­ly themed tree this year! As you may already know, I am incor­po­rat­ing a lot…

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10 Easy DIY Neutral Christmas Ornaments

Oh hel­lo end of Octo­ber. It’s been nice knowin ya! Is any­one else feel­in this way? I was so eager for Octo­ber to arrive and now, as we near the end it seems like it has been for­ev­er long? Maybe because I spend about half the month chomp­ing at the bit to get start­ed on…

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DIY Jumbo Christmas Ornament from an Old Frame

Y’all.… in case you did­n’t already know, I am in full blown Christ­mas mode over here! No I am not dec­o­rat­ing yet but I sure am doing my best to prep and cre­ate decor for my tran­si­tion from tra­di­tion­al reds and greens to a more neu­tral palette.  Chang­ing col­or schemes can be dif­fi­cult and those…

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Easy DIY Stamped Wood Block Ornaments

This is one of those projects that I did­n’t total­ly come togeth­er until the very end. At first, the plain ole wood blocks do not look that impres­sive. I encour­age you to stick this one out until the end. I think you will be present­ly surprised.  I start­ed with these cute lit­tle pre-cut wood blocks…

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