• DIY Projects - Scrap Wood Projects

    10 Rustic Fall Scrap Wood Projects

    Lit­er­al­ly Pin­ter­est is chocked full of Fall Scrap Wood Projects right now. And not just Fall, but there are so many amaz­ing scrap wood projects for your rus­tic home decor. One of my favorite things to do is to take a piece of scrap, des­tined for the garbage, and turn it into some­thing beau­ti­ful and use­ful for my home. But here is my con­fes­sion. I used to let all of those glo­ri­ous ideas stack high­er and high­er in my Pin­ter­est boards with­out any real inten­tion of drag­ging out my saw and tools. By the time I actu­al­ly find the time to…

  • DIY Projects

    DIY Walnut Wood Stain

    I am so excit­ed to have made this DIY Wal­nut Wood Stain! It is a game chager for peo­ple who love to get their hands dirty and make things for them­self! The best part??? It only requires TWO, yes two, ingre­di­ents to pre­pare! It’s quick, easy and so beautiful! STEP ONE- GATHER NUTS From start to fin­ish this project will take you less than 10 min­utes to cre­ate. I went out and gath­ered about a dozen wal­nuts from the ground beneath my wal­nut tree. I brought them inside and shucked the out­er hulls from the nut.  Keep in mind black wal­nuts…

  • DIY Projects - Scrap Wood Projects

    Easy Wood Block American Flag

    I have always want­ed to dec­o­rate for patri­ot­ic hol­i­days and this year I am get­ting a head start on mak­ing some cute lit­tle addi­tions for my decor. The prim­i­tive look wears well with red, white and blue and what bet­ter way to get that rus­tic look than with wood blocks. These are the sizes we start­ed with.  (2) 10″ 2x4s (2) 6″ 2x4s (2) 4″ 2x4s I paint­ed one 10″ piece and one 6″ piece in red and cov­ered the oth­er two with mod podge and old book pages. The 4″ pieces I paint­ed blue.  Since I was going for a prim­i­tive look I want­ed…

  • Cooking

    Amish Cinnamon Swirl Bread

    I made this recipe for the first time this morn­ing. Sun­day’s are typ­i­cal­ly crazy in our house. Rush­ing for show­ers and get­ting ready for church. Due to the cur­rent quar­an­tine we watched church from home and kept our social dis­tance but y’all, can I just say, no amount of social dis­tance should keep you from shar­ing this amaz­ing melt in your mouth recipe with your fam­i­ly and friends.  Speak­ing of fam­i­ly, I am hap­py to have had my great grand­moth­ers loaf pans hand­ed down to me. Every­time I use them I can’t help but won­der what all she made with…